Sensitive question... sailboats other than CD's

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Hiding behind my computer

Sensitive question... sailboats other than CD's

Post by Hiding behind my computer »

I have been a CD owner for years and am very pleased with the performance and quality of the boat.

I now have the opportunity to step up to a larger boat. A 36 is an option, but I may want to get into the forty range.

I know this is a sensitive area, BUT who better to ask than this board?

If one were to step up to a 40 or mid 40 boat with same qualities of a CD, what would you recommend.

Re: Sensitive question... sailboats other than CD's

Post by GLutzow »

I have owned a CSY 44 as well as a Mason 44 and was well pleased with both boats. They are both well built and well appointed. the Mason 44 has the best systems access of any boat that I have seen, bar none. Be aware that the large boats require almost as much time in maint as in sailing, which is why I am currently in, and have been for 21 years, a Typhoon Weekender.

Greg Lutzow
Hiding behind my computer wrote: If one were to step up to a 40 or mid 40 boat with same qualities of a CD, what would you recommend.
Chris Scheck

Maintenance ... yes

Post by Chris Scheck »

Thanks Greg for a word to the wise regarding maintaining a larger boat ...
Just had an engine rebuild on our CD33 which kept us from sailing until August. Wondered what I would do with my weekends. Not to worry ... I spent every weekend in May June AND July refinishing the teak and doing various other repairs. Teak had been neglected for about 4 years, and now that the exterior is looking good, well, the interior could use a little TLC as well ...

Two guys are walking down a dock and see a gleaming 70' yacht. The landlubber thinks, Wow, wonder what that baby costs to buy? And the boat owner thinks, Wow, wonder what she costs to maintain?
Olli Wendelin

Re: Sensitive question... sailboats other than CD's

Post by Olli Wendelin »

Hello Hiding behind your computer,

You might check out the Hans Christian traditional models at

Olli Wendelin
Charleston, SC
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