I have been a CD owner for years and am very pleased with the performance and quality of the boat.
I now have the opportunity to step up to a larger boat. A 36 is an option, but I may want to get into the forty range.
I know this is a sensitive area, BUT who better to ask than this board?
If one were to step up to a 40 or mid 40 boat with same qualities of a CD, what would you recommend.
Sensitive question... sailboats other than CD's
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Sensitive question... sailboats other than CD's
I have owned a CSY 44 as well as a Mason 44 and was well pleased with both boats. They are both well built and well appointed. the Mason 44 has the best systems access of any boat that I have seen, bar none. Be aware that the large boats require almost as much time in maint as in sailing, which is why I am currently in, and have been for 21 years, a Typhoon Weekender.
Greg Lutzow
Greg Lutzow
Hiding behind my computer wrote: If one were to step up to a 40 or mid 40 boat with same qualities of a CD, what would you recommend.
Maintenance ... yes
Thanks Greg for a word to the wise regarding maintaining a larger boat ...
Just had an engine rebuild on our CD33 which kept us from sailing until August. Wondered what I would do with my weekends. Not to worry ... I spent every weekend in May June AND July refinishing the teak and doing various other repairs. Teak had been neglected for about 4 years, and now that the exterior is looking good, well, the interior could use a little TLC as well ...
Two guys are walking down a dock and see a gleaming 70' yacht. The landlubber thinks, Wow, wonder what that baby costs to buy? And the boat owner thinks, Wow, wonder what she costs to maintain?
Just had an engine rebuild on our CD33 which kept us from sailing until August. Wondered what I would do with my weekends. Not to worry ... I spent every weekend in May June AND July refinishing the teak and doing various other repairs. Teak had been neglected for about 4 years, and now that the exterior is looking good, well, the interior could use a little TLC as well ...
Two guys are walking down a dock and see a gleaming 70' yacht. The landlubber thinks, Wow, wonder what that baby costs to buy? And the boat owner thinks, Wow, wonder what she costs to maintain?
Re: Sensitive question... sailboats other than CD's
Hello Hiding behind your computer,
You might check out the Hans Christian traditional models at http://www.hanschristianyachts.com/.
Olli Wendelin
Charleston, SC
You might check out the Hans Christian traditional models at http://www.hanschristianyachts.com/.
Olli Wendelin
Charleston, SC