Tracking original name of boat

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Evan Kramer

Tracking original name of boat

Post by Evan Kramer »

This is a longshot, but does anyone have any ideas on how I could research the name given to my '76 CD28 (Hull #91) by her original owner. I've exhausted the most obvious avenues, like back tracking prior owners, but, unfortunately, I do not even know the name of the original owner at this point.

Re: Tracking original name of boat

Post by Marc »

Here in Canada we have a site from the Coast Guard.
The link is:
Probably you have the same in the US
You could try it.

A22 #275

Evan Kramer wrote: This is a longshot, but does anyone have any ideas on how I could research the name given to my '76 CD28 (Hull #91) by her original owner. I've exhausted the most obvious avenues, like back tracking prior owners, but, unfortunately, I do not even know the name of the original owner at this point.
Neil Gordon

Re: Tracking original name of boat

Post by Neil Gordon »

If the boat's not documented, then there won't be any gov't records of the name.

Do you know where the boat was moored? It's also a long shot, but a marina might have records. Or there might be someone with a very long memory.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Ed Haley

Re: Tracking original name of boat

Post by Ed Haley »

If it has been documented, you can go to ... ssel2.html

to put in a query.

Ed Haley
s/v Mokita
CD330 #1
On the hard in Clayton, NY
John Dunn

Re: Tracking original name of boat

Post by John Dunn »

Hi Evan, Here is a longshot you might try. Do you have any idea what state it came from? If it wasn't documented, the craft was probably registered with the Dept. of Motor Vehicles in that state. Here in N.Y., if the vessel has a motor in it, it has to be registered, including the hull number. This might break the log jam and tell you the name of the owner in that year. It might be worth a shot. Good luck. John Dunn, Ty #42? Oswego N.Y., E.end of Lake Ontario

Re: Tracking original name of boat

Post by Dennis »

If it was/is documented, you will need to go to the Coast Guard Documentation Center and request an Abstract of Title. It will list all previous owners. Cost was $25.

Checking this site, search by name, may help and it is free: ... ssel2.html

Evan Kramer wrote: This is a longshot, but does anyone have any ideas on how I could research the name given to my '76 CD28 (Hull #91) by her original owner. I've exhausted the most obvious avenues, like back tracking prior owners, but, unfortunately, I do not even know the name of the original owner at this point.
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