Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Michael Heintz


Post by Michael Heintz »


I would like to thank those hardy souls who despite "blizzard conditions," came from near and far to Unk's on the bay, for our annual Northeast Fleet meeting. And to those deterred by the snow, we missed you!!!!!

Thanks to the Nominating committee, for submitting my nomination as "Fleet Captain," and to the group who ratified it.

Also nominated and elected as Fleet Secretary, Jim Christopher. I look forward to working with you these next two years.

A special thanks to our NE Fleet Nautical Traditions Officer Dave Stump (formerly known as Stumpy,) ( perhaps now known "Chicken Legs"), ...sorry Dave :-)
Dave acted as our MC, and created the "Change of Command Ceremony."

Only Pirate Dave CDSOA # 1 could pull this off!!!!!!!

A special thanks to Captain Leo MacDonald, departing and first Fleet Captain of the Northeast Fleet.
Leo has done a fantastic job in pulling together the Northeast Cape Dory owners into a credible organization. In his tenure has taken a small group of Cape Dory owners and expanded the fleet membership to over a hundred boats.

His vision and hard work, determination and good fellowship has resulted in success in creating the CDSOA's Northeast Fleet.

A heartfelt thanks also to Catherine Monaghan, unable to attend due to the snow. Catherine has done an incredible job as Fleet Secretary, and more, Leo's right hand Captain, also instrumental in the development of the Northeast Fleet. Thanks Cathy!!!!!!!

My first order of business was to create and bestow upon Captain MacDonald, the position of Fleet Lieutenant. We're not done with you yet Leo :-)

Thanks again to everyone at the meeting and to all of you in the Northeast Fleet!!!!!

Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
Fleet Captain
Warren Kaplan


Post by Warren Kaplan »

Fleet Captain Heintz,
It was indeed a pleasure meeting you for the first time and participating in the ceremony that elevated you to the NE Fleet's Supreme Lord and Master! I just know that when I get hit by a water balloon delivered by such a lofty personage, I will take it and like it!!
I also had the distinct pleasure of meeting for the first time Captains Goldsmith, Yashinsky, Potts and the Soloways. There were others of course but this aging brain can only remember so much. I beg your pardon for not mentioning all.
Captain Stump came prepared to disarm (psychologically) all that used harsh rhetoric aimed at him prior to this meeting. His snappy pirate attire, although NOT judged to be #1 by the attendees, looked great. The good captain came prepared with bosun's pipe and ship's bell and piped aboard all arriving captains! What a performance! Its a shame that a traditionalist such as he has to be beaten in next year's race. Or, races!! There is a proposal afoot that because of scheduling difficulties with many fleet members that races be held in different areas so many can participate when they can. Perhaps an overall winner can be determined by corrected time or something like that.
Our new Fleet Captain came well prepared for the Western LI Sound-Norwalk activities. Looks like it gonna' be alot of fun. I'm sure he will post about it. The Fleet Captain is Chair of the Norwalk Committee. Looks like there will be a race tentatively set from Oyster Bay (my home port) up towards Stamford and around to the Norwalk Islands. On the committee with Chairman Heintz are Captains York, Goldsmith and Yashinsky, and Kaplan. ALL CD27 captains! VERY fast boats, those CD27s! Likely to put an MKII to shame! Its gonna' be a great race to Sheffield Island.
Congrats to Leo and Catherine! FREE AT LAST! The ship's complement of the yacht Realization was sorely missed!

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Leo MacDonald (FC-Ret.)


Post by Leo MacDonald (FC-Ret.) »

Hi All,

I would add my thanks to the NE Fleet members assembled at Unk's on the bay for our annual meeting. You all 'made' the meeting what it was :-)

I would also like to thank Capt. Michael of the Racing / Drinking / Sloop-of-War (Water balloon class) 'Macht Nichts' for accepting the nomination and the position as the new NE Fleet Captain. Michael has been a sailor and a leader all his life and I am extremely pleased to pass the Fleet Captains Burgee to such a well-qualified CD'er. The Nominating committee did an outstanding job!! Michael & Jim are excellent selections!!

As 'Fleet LT' (thanks Michael) in expanding our NE Fleet Sails, events and other activities, I intend to fully support and be where ever Flt Capt. Michael so directs. I would also encourage our fleet to lend him their full support.

And of course we must all thank the "NE Fleet Nautical Traditions Officer" Capt. (Commanding) Dave Stump (AKA; Stumpy, No.1, Pirate and . . . Chicken Legs???) for a truly humbling (for me) "Change of Command Ceremony" experience!
BTW; Don't take this wrong, but after you left the ‘Fleet Captain's Reception’ we found you balls (NO!, the ones for the muzzleloader.) Note; Please contact me for reassignment.

As for our immediate Past / Founding NE Fleet Secretary, my thanks to Capt. Cathy Monaghan is immeasurable. I plan on a trip to NJ to personally deliver to Cathy & Bruce my and the Fleets appreciation. And I'll second Michael's comment, Cathy was my 'right hand Captain' during the NE Fleet's formative years. Thanks Cathy! When is a good time for you?

Fair Winds,
Leo MacDonald
Fast Sloop 'Evening Light', CD33 #38
Former & Founding NE Fleet Captain (Ret.)
Director-at-Large, CDSOA, Inc.
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Fleet Lieutenant ASSIGNED as..........

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Honorable Captain Heintz,

Uh, as for order of business, how about assigning that "on the hard" Fleet Lieutenant to help the Napatree Committee? He has to do SOMETHING, and his local knowledge would be distinct advantage. Just a thought!

Captain Heintz, a glass of PORT with you, the whole day was excellent........I remain STILL........your most HUMBLE servant.....

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer

P.S. More to follow on the days activities and outcome, particularly on the suggestion to have many races and the winner picked by corrected time for overall #1....! !
Mark Yashinsky

And is a report to be filed about the festivities afterwards

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

And we want details!!!
And for all that hightailed it to the departing Fleet Captain's party, the group that was left at Unk's alone (Western LIS Committee), loosen up their arm's and their aiming eye w/ a quick snowball fight. SO ALL BEWARE!
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