I would like to thank those hardy souls who despite "blizzard conditions," came from near and far to Unk's on the bay, for our annual Northeast Fleet meeting. And to those deterred by the snow, we missed you!!!!!
Thanks to the Nominating committee, for submitting my nomination as "Fleet Captain," and to the group who ratified it.
Also nominated and elected as Fleet Secretary, Jim Christopher. I look forward to working with you these next two years.
A special thanks to our NE Fleet Nautical Traditions Officer Dave Stump (formerly known as Stumpy,) ( perhaps now known "Chicken Legs"), ...sorry Dave

Dave acted as our MC, and created the "Change of Command Ceremony."
Only Pirate Dave CDSOA # 1 could pull this off!!!!!!!
A special thanks to Captain Leo MacDonald, departing and first Fleet Captain of the Northeast Fleet.
Leo has done a fantastic job in pulling together the Northeast Cape Dory owners into a credible organization. In his tenure has taken a small group of Cape Dory owners and expanded the fleet membership to over a hundred boats.
His vision and hard work, determination and good fellowship has resulted in success in creating the CDSOA's Northeast Fleet.
A heartfelt thanks also to Catherine Monaghan, unable to attend due to the snow. Catherine has done an incredible job as Fleet Secretary, and more, Leo's right hand Captain, also instrumental in the development of the Northeast Fleet. Thanks Cathy!!!!!!!
My first order of business was to create and bestow upon Captain MacDonald, the position of Fleet Lieutenant. We're not done with you yet Leo

Thanks again to everyone at the meeting and to all of you in the Northeast Fleet!!!!!
Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
Fleet Captain