Painting your own boat:Warren Kaplan wrote: This is sort of off the subject but it does have to do with bottom painting. At least here on Long Island (NY) the yard I used this last winter and the new yard I'm using this coming winter expressly forbids the owner applying bottom paint him/herself due to EPA rules. The yard is the only one allowed to apply the paint. I know the law requires putting a tarp on the ground and collecting all the old paint and any new so it doesn't wash into the ground. Are all of you more or less running into this requirement? Also, last year's bottom painting, although adequate, left much to be desired as far as I'm concerned. I think the last thing any of us want to do is argue with the yard guys any more than necessary when they are also the guys who run your marina and are the ones who you have to call on in an emergency to haul and fix your boat. I'm not happy about it but I think I have no choice and will have to live with it.
Warren Kaplan
S/V Sine Qua Non
Well You all, here on Lake Lanier (fresh water) outside of Atlanta, we have NO restrictions on sanding or painting. The yard we use is gravel & dirt. No drop cloths & no yard supervision. It's up to the person doing the work to use their best judgement. I know I will do all my bottom work before going to the coast
CD31 #18 Bonnie Blue