Bottom Antifouling Paint Choices

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

john doyle

Re: Can you paint your boat's bottom??

Post by john doyle »

Warren Kaplan wrote: This is sort of off the subject but it does have to do with bottom painting. At least here on Long Island (NY) the yard I used this last winter and the new yard I'm using this coming winter expressly forbids the owner applying bottom paint him/herself due to EPA rules. The yard is the only one allowed to apply the paint. I know the law requires putting a tarp on the ground and collecting all the old paint and any new so it doesn't wash into the ground. Are all of you more or less running into this requirement? Also, last year's bottom painting, although adequate, left much to be desired as far as I'm concerned. I think the last thing any of us want to do is argue with the yard guys any more than necessary when they are also the guys who run your marina and are the ones who you have to call on in an emergency to haul and fix your boat. I'm not happy about it but I think I have no choice and will have to live with it.

Warren Kaplan
S/V Sine Qua Non
Painting your own boat:
Well You all, here on Lake Lanier (fresh water) outside of Atlanta, we have NO restrictions on sanding or painting. The yard we use is gravel & dirt. No drop cloths & no yard supervision. It's up to the person doing the work to use their best judgement. I know I will do all my bottom work before going to the coast
CD31 #18 Bonnie Blue

Re: Bottom Antifouling Paint Choices

Post by Jon »

I agree with Chris. I've been using Pettit Trinidad SR for many years; it's worth the extra $. The water is a bit colder here in New England, and just one coat works fine for a full summer. The slime resistance additive (SR) keeps the hull running fast even late in the season. Trinidad SR has the most copper content around. Even the weeds on the dock next to me die when my boat shows up in the spring.

CD25 Sovereign
Jerry Kimble

Re: Bottom Antifouling Paint Choices

Post by Jerry Kimble »

You can download the bottom paint test results from
Well worth the effort and cost.
Michael Heintz

Warnings to Catain Dave Stump #1 ..for now...

Post by Michael Heintz »


I have warned said Captain Stump as well.

Macht Nichts who came in second ( in spinnaker division ), has put Captain Stump on notice !!!!!

Measures to insure winning next year:
1) Flogging of crew for past race performance
2 Upon return from this summers cruise, we have instituted a vigorous training schedule. Training daily.
3) New sails have been ordered for Macht Nichts
4) Avon dinghy will remain on land ( for this friendly cruising race has indeed turned more to the campaign of the 12 meters)
5) And this does have significance to Bottom painting.. I have decided to buy a travel lift to pull Macht Nichts after every training session, and have said crew POLISH bottom
6) Of course rigging also will be replaced and appropriate tuning will follow.
7) And last but not least....we have engaged agents in Noank...who will undertake any means it takes to kept Pirate Captain Stump in line with his preparations for next years rematch...they are under order to "do whatever it takes" to keep this rouge in check

Of course having said all of the above....My respects to Captain Stump Pirate Commanding Racing Vessel Hanalie #1....and a glass of wine to you sir......

Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Racing Sloop Macht Nichts MKII 004 #2
Warren Kaplan

Re: Warnings to Catain Dave Stump #1 ..for now...

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Michael Heintz wrote: Warren,

I have warned said Captain Stump as well.

Macht Nichts who came in second ( in spinnaker division ), has put Captain Stump on notice !!!!!

Measures to insure winning next year:
1) Flogging of crew for past race performance
2 Upon return from this summers cruise, we have instituted a vigorous training schedule. Training daily.
3) New sails have been ordered for Macht Nichts
4) Avon dinghy will remain on land ( for this friendly cruising race has indeed turned more to the campaign of the 12 meters)
5) And this does have significance to Bottom painting.. I have decided to buy a travel lift to pull Macht Nichts after every training session, and have said crew POLISH bottom
6) Of course rigging also will be replaced and appropriate tuning will follow.
7) And last but not least....we have engaged agents in Noank...who will undertake any means it takes to kept Pirate Captain Stump in line with his preparations for next years rematch...they are under order to "do whatever it takes" to keep this rouge in check

Of course having said all of the above....My respects to Captain Stump Pirate Commanding Racing Vessel Hanalie #1....and a glass of wine to you sir......

Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Racing Sloop Macht Nichts MKII 004 #2

Captain Heintz,

The gauntlet has been thrown down! The quest for the 2002 Cape Dory Cup has begun in earnest! Off season preparations and training programs are rapidly taking shape. I may institute part of your program in readying Sine Qua Non for the competition but I'll have to "ask" my crew, politely, if I can flogg her for past crewing misdeeds. I thinking flogging may be the only way to convince my crew that she can't be peeling a banana at the same time she's supposed to be handling genoa sheets when I've barked a snappy "hard alee"! What would you say to sending some spies to Noank to assist those agents in suruptitious sabotage? Naw! That would just cheapen the victory next year!! In any event, the quest will keep both of us focused when there's 6 inches of snow outside! HA!

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Captain Commanding Hanale

Re: Arg Mateys. and don't ya fathom......

Post by Captain Commanding Hanale »

Captains Heintz and Kaplan,

Captain Kaplan, the crew(particularly the 1st. Mate) of Hanalei has been advised of your intent to flog said crew of the s/v Sine Qua Non. Her advise is that the cat should only be applied following a great dinner at a fine local tavern, a long interlude in a spiced hot water bath (with back scrubbing performed by the Captain!), a fine bottle of the best Madira (or perchance a bottle of Chardonay from that land called California) from the spirit locker in control of the Captain, appropriate lighting....Ah, Matey, this Captain must refrain from further explanation of this whole process under warning from the Master of our communications a Captain W. B.! But, appropriate flogging can bring a crew to it's best fighting trim!! heh, at least I think it can!!!!

Said crew of Hanalei will be on the lookout for any agents from the s/v Macht Nichts et all. The light broadside of metal available from Hanalei is still a formidable foe due to the excellent plying of the guns by the crew. Crew has been at double tides perfecting their aim!

Hanalei #1, WILL be standing on & off Noank next year....I remain....
your MOST HUMBLE servant.......

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C "#1"
Warren Kaplan

Sinister! But I see throught it!!.

Post by Warren Kaplan »

To the cunning Captain Stump;

I see, Sir, that you are a man to be reconded with on the water or off!! Your sinister attempt to upset my plan to "whip" my crew into shape by next summer will not deflect me one degree from my stated course! Bottles of wine. Massages! Hot tubs! A sinister tactic to make the idea of flogging dwindle in my mind! I dare say that any indulgence in such prurient activity, especially with my crew, could make me give up sailing altogether for the pleasures attendant to the hot tub!! Wouldn't you just revel in that. I can see you laughing all the way to the finish line on race day because the dreaded competition didn't even show up. You are a devious man ! I've gained a new respect for you Sir. One must be ever vigilant when facing a Captain who is so subtlely and utterly wicked! Then again...I have a 20 year old bottle of excellent french cabernet sitting in the wine rack and I do have a hot tub overlooking the water......hmmmm!

Warren Kaplan
Sommelier of the S/V Sine Qua Non
Michael Heintz

Re: Sinister! But I see throught it!!.

Post by Michael Heintz »

To: Sommelier of the S/V Sine Qua Non AKA Warren,

Be wise sir and do not fall into the trap of the EVIL Pirate Captain Stump. On the one hand he seems just a regular nice guy, a simple man sailing his CD 30 C. But he is of two personalities. And do not be fooled with his actions to his first mate.....for his his first mate may well be behind his victory of late and his dreams of victory for the future.

I remain Sir yours, bound to an upsetting result in next year's match.

As commrades, I look forward to sharing that 20 year old bottle of excellent french cabernet with you, perhaps as we review plans of attack on said Cpatain.

ps. this does not have to be shared in the hot tub.

I remain Sir.... Your most Humble servant......

Captain Michael Heintz
Racing Sloop Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
Warren Kaplan

Re: Sinister! But I see throught it!!.

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Michael Heintz wrote: To: Sommelier of the S/V Sine Qua Non AKA Warren,

Be wise sir and do not fall into the trap of the EVIL Pirate Captain Stump. On the one hand he seems just a regular nice guy, a simple man sailing his CD 30 C. But he is of two personalities. And do not be fooled with his actions to his first mate.....for his his first mate may well be behind his victory of late and his dreams of victory for the future.

I remain Sir yours, bound to an upsetting result in next year's match.

As commrades, I look forward to sharing that 20 year old bottle of excellent french cabernet with you, perhaps as we review plans of attack on said Cpatain.

ps. this does not have to be shared in the hot tub.

I remain Sir.... Your most Humble servant......

Captain Michael Heintz
Racing Sloop Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
To Captain Michael Heintz...lately of the racing sloop Macht Nichts.

Be assured Sir that my resolve in this matter is resolute. I am steadfast in purpose! I am readying Sine Qua Non, captain and crew for the great quest next summer. Good WILL triumph over the evil captain! I'll not yield to the temptation of the hot tub. The wine, well, that's a different story. All Cape Dory captains, worldly as they are, must have some vices! I fear the 20 year old cabernet will never see age 21. But 20 year old cabernets abound in my favorite wine store and we shall savor the contents of one, Sir, together!

D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: May I Sir, lend you...

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Captain Heintz,

To show that said Captain of the Pirate Vessel Hanalei is NOT really THAT bad a rogue, I would happily lend you my Loos guage to accomplish what you described in item #6. This Spring past, the Captain borrowed a Loos guage to set up the tension on Hanaleis' rig. I don't know if it made a difference, the rig was tighter than I had ever seen it, but in that NE by E wind into the Island of Adrian Block, she pointed better than she ever has. As a matter of fact, she was moving so fast to weather that she apparently was creating her own wind, ie. she pointed inside of 30 degrees apparent! According to the Windex, that is set with squares 60 degrees apart(30 degrees each side of fore and aft) she was pointing at about 25 degrees to the apparent wind! I had NEVER seen her do that! She had all flags flying, no reefs and with that falling tide was doing 8.5 knots over the bottom by GPS!(a 1.6 Knot falling tide!) Yes, her rail was in the water, but it was not an uncomfortable ride. Now, if tuning the rig with the Loos guage did it, I'm sold on it. The guy next to me has the guage, he is a C&C 27 or 28, and he races. I let him use my Oil Boy in exchange for using his Loos guage.

Honored Captain, you might(short of installing a 1000 horse power diesel) want to look into this aspect next year. It does give a certain sense of things being right to know that you are tensioned correctly. By the bye, all shrouds were tensioned to very close to 12-15% of breaking strength. Someone else posted values on the web a long time ago, but I felt(and Loos agreed)that those were too tight!

I can just envision the Captain of Macht Nichts and The Captain of Sine Quo Non(my apologies if I spelled that wrong)in a hot tub together planning the capture of Hanalei! One can only wonder WHAT these Captains would be drinking to cause such a meeting!!! If and when you and Captain Kaplan do get this randevous together, would you take PICTURES? Post 'em on the web for all to see!!! Arg, maybe NOT! Web Master would probably censor them!! I'd hope so!

At SEA Sir, a glass of Port with you....I remain...

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C "#1"
Catherine Monaghan

Re: And more deceptive practices

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

To All Captains Commanding,

The Captain and Crew of the much feared cutter CD32 Realization fell victim to another act of deception. The start time of the race was changed, and Realization's Captain had other obligations to be met but would have been on time had the original race schedule been adhered to. (Start time changed with very late notice by those who feared Realization and her crew!) Realization started well after all other boats when they all appeared as tiny dots on the horizon. But said cutter managed to overtake seven Cape Dorys (two were not racing, but we weren't aware of that fact) before passing over the finish line. If said cutter starts on time next year, all other CD crews should be fearful. So be afraid. Be very afraid.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Warren Kaplan wrote:
Michael Heintz wrote: To: Sommelier of the S/V Sine Qua Non AKA Warren,

Be wise sir and do not fall into the trap of the EVIL Pirate Captain Stump. On the one hand he seems just a regular nice guy, a simple man sailing his CD 30 C. But he is of two personalities. And do not be fooled with his actions to his first mate.....for his his first mate may well be behind his victory of late and his dreams of victory for the future.

I remain Sir yours, bound to an upsetting result in next year's match.

As commrades, I look forward to sharing that 20 year old bottle of excellent french cabernet with you, perhaps as we review plans of attack on said Cpatain.

ps. this does not have to be shared in the hot tub.

I remain Sir.... Your most Humble servant......

Captain Michael Heintz
Racing Sloop Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
To Captain Michael Heintz...lately of the racing sloop Macht Nichts.

Be assured Sir that my resolve in this matter is resolute. I am steadfast in purpose! I am readying Sine Qua Non, captain and crew for the great quest next summer. Good WILL triumph over the evil captain! I'll not yield to the temptation of the hot tub. The wine, well, that's a different story. All Cape Dory captains, worldly as they are, must have some vices! I fear the 20 year old cabernet will never see age 21. But 20 year old cabernets abound in my favorite wine store and we shall savor the contents of one, Sir, together!

Warren Kaplan

Dirty Tricks!!

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Captain Monaghan,

And I thought dirty tricks were limited to political types during political campaigns! Alas, your gripe is valid!

Warren Kaplan
Captain Commanding Hanale

Re: Some comments follow....

Post by Captain Commanding Hanale »

Captain Monaghan,

All this esteemed Captain can say is: Yada, Yada,Yada! ! !...sea(spelling intended!) you at sea next year! ! !

Candidly: (You may be very VERY correct but that is just between you and I...)

I remain Sir, your most HUMBLE servant...and opponent.....

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C "#1"

By the bye, the 1st. mate of Hanalei is really getting into this! ! !
Hope all your midshipman have become officers before next we meet!
Michael Heintz

I see that Catherine, has thrown down the gauntlet

Post by Michael Heintz »

To all captains Concerned,

Take note, Catherine Monaghan and her "much feared cutter" Realization, (I'm shaking with fear as I type), has entered the fray.

I think, Catherine, that those Tan Bark sails, (although beautifully traditional), will not push the wind as well as the NEW set of shoes that will fly on the Racing Sloop Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II.

Beware Sir... have entered into a dark place, and to...beware of said Pirate Captain Stump, for he will stop at nothing to hang onto said cup. You may want to join forces with Myself and Captain Kaplan. There is plenty of room in said Hot Tub!!!!!!!!

By the way, as an officer of CD organization, you might want to consider and put aside in the budget, getting a Cup worthy of next year's winner. Feel free to consult me as to the design of said cup.......I do want to be sure it will fit on my mantel ;_0

I remain Sir (Mam)...Your most Humble servant....

Michael Heintz
Racing Sloop Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
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