Builders of New Typhoons???

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Plyler McManus

Builders of New Typhoons???

Post by Plyler McManus »

I had heard that someone was building new Typhoons off the old molds. It this true and if so can you provide me with contact information?

Plyler McManus

Re: Builders of New Typhoons???

Post by Chris »

I've heard that Nauset Marine located in Mass. has the molds for the Typhoon. They will build the boat on a custom basis. I don't know whether they've actually produced any. My guess is that it's pretty darn expensive to have one produced.


Re: Builders of New Typhoons/Nauset Marine

Post by Hal »

Chris wrote: I've heard that Nauset Marine located in Mass. has the molds for the Typhoon. They will build the boat on a custom basis. I don't know whether they've actually produced any. My guess is that it's pretty darn expensive to have one produced.

I once inquired with Nauset Marine on this level (building Typhoons from the orig molds). No one got back to me. So, I inquired again. Their response was "short" in tone and they more or less said don't bother us with this. Perhaps they get a fair number of inquiries on Typhoons- but still. (Kinda felt like Dorothy getting shooed away at the gate to the Emerald City).
Kurt B. Kaiser

Re: Builders of New Typhoons???

Post by Kurt B. Kaiser »

My understanding is that Compass Classic Yachts of South Orleans, MA purchased the molds and modified them to make a boat reminiscent of a Herreshoff 12 1/2. The cockpit is modified and the keel cut down. It's not really a Typhoon anymore :-(
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