I had heard that someone was building new Typhoons off the old molds. It this true and if so can you provide me with contact information?
Plyler McManus
Builders of New Typhoons???
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Builders of New Typhoons???
I've heard that Nauset Marine located in Mass. has the molds for the Typhoon. They will build the boat on a custom basis. I don't know whether they've actually produced any. My guess is that it's pretty darn expensive to have one produced.
Re: Builders of New Typhoons/Nauset Marine
I once inquired with Nauset Marine on this level (building Typhoons from the orig molds). No one got back to me. So, I inquired again. Their response was "short" in tone and they more or less said don't bother us with this. Perhaps they get a fair number of inquiries on Typhoons- but still. (Kinda felt like Dorothy getting shooed away at the gate to the Emerald City).Chris wrote: I've heard that Nauset Marine located in Mass. has the molds for the Typhoon. They will build the boat on a custom basis. I don't know whether they've actually produced any. My guess is that it's pretty darn expensive to have one produced.
Re: Builders of New Typhoons???
My understanding is that Compass Classic Yachts of South Orleans, MA purchased the molds and modified them to make a boat reminiscent of a Herreshoff 12 1/2. The cockpit is modified and the keel cut down. It's not really a Typhoon anymore 
