typhoon weekender stanchions

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typhoon weekender stanchions

Post by bill »

I am the happy new owner of a '75 weekender. The boat has had a bow pulpit installed. There are three s.s. plates (attached with two screws) running down each side near the toe rails, which have an internal spring clip and about 1/4" opening, for what I assume were once some type of light weight stanchion. However, no stanchions came with the boat. Anyone know anything about these? Thanks. Bill

David Spaulding

Re: typhoon weekender stanchions

Post by David Spaulding »

bill wrote: I am the happy new owner of a '75 weekender. The boat has had a bow pulpit installed. There are three s.s. plates (attached with two screws) running down each side near the toe rails, which have an internal spring clip and about 1/4" opening, for what I assume were once some type of light weight stanchion. However, no stanchions came with the boat. Anyone know anything about these? Thanks. Bill

It is timely you posted this message, for I was about to ask just the same thing. My 75 Ty has three stainless steel Schaefer fittings on each side -- each is just the one piece of metal, so I am curious about the spring clip you mention. I also assumed they were for supporting lifeline stanchions, but I have not seen a Ty so rigged. Anyone have a picture with A Ty with these stnachion mounts used as such?

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