This CD10 is covered with snow in my backyard now but will soon be beckoning for fun on the water. She just needs to find someone a bit younger than I.

Her sailing gear is complete with fiberglass centerboard, varnished mahogany seats, rudder and tiller and original sail. She's an excellent rowing craft and her long original oars can make her rip through the waves. You don't need a motor to make her move but one is included - a 2000 Mercury 3.3 with reverse. An excellent 2005 950 lb Yacht Club aluminum trailer is registered for 2021. The whole kit and kaboodle selling for
$1000. The only refitting she needs is a bottom coat of antifouling paint and I've already applied that - an Interlux ablative bottom will keep her clean throughout the season - wherever she sits.

Hull #2069. 1974 year made.
If you're looking for one, come look at me. After the snow melts. Interested? Email me or pm me.
MUST SELL! We cannot take her to new home. HOA says no! New price -
$1000. The trailer and motor are worth that.
More info coming