I ordered a couple of aluminum oil drain plugs, M18 x 1.5mm, from 5150 Motorsport LLC - SKU #900-219-020-31-MS118 (http://www.5150motorsport.com/). I believe they are used on Porsches, etc. They are about $4.50 plus P&H. Total cost, under $16 for two.
Then the old plastic crappy threads were cut off the old dipstick. The metal dipstick is in there too, so the idea is to only cut through the plastic all the way around, leaving the dipstick in place (ref 3rd pic below).
A hole was drilled through the new plug so that it can slide onto the oil stick (ref 5th pic below)
A couple of small holes were drilled into the rim and into the plastic to act as a key in case the epoxy was not enough to hold the unit together when twisting it in and out (ref 5th pic below)
Lastly it was all epoxied together, while being careful not to somehow clog the vent hole that is in the orange piece. This is a critical vent - DO NOT CLOG IT!! I am told pressure will blow out your seals if it is not properly vented.
Here are some pics of the various steps.
The problem:

The process... Plastic threads removed from the oil dipstick:

The old and the new, side by side:

Holes drilled, two small ones and a larger one in the middle - ready for epoxy and assembly...

The final solution (less the needed o-ring):

I painted mine matte black so that you can actually see oil on the dipstick when checking the level

Technically, the Full level line (the one and only line) will now be off by the thickness of the rim on the plug, but I don't think its THAT critical. Hell, 45% measure the level by screwing the dipstick in and another 45% do not screw it in to check the level (these are hard facts based on years of scientific analysis... or not). Then there are the folks that maintain the level between the line and the plug - OMG!!
I plan to maintain mine about half way below the line when not screwing it in to check the level.