....was removed by the Webmaster due to off-topic and inapproriate replies.
Board FAQs wrote:What posts are permitted and prohibited?
Anything having to do with Cape Dory power and sail boats is fair game, except for certain commercial posts - see the next question.
We are a community of boaters, so occasional general boating questions, as well as occasional personal messages that help build the sense of community, are OK. However, three topics are always off-limits: Sex, religion and politics. Any mention of these inevitably draws fuel, heat and (hot) air - the ingredients for a fire if not an explosion.
In order to keep this board a safe, friendly place for discussing Cape Dory boats, negative personal comments are not permitted. Disagree with statements if you must, but don't attack other members of our community.
Please remember that our server space is limited, and we do keep most of the messages in the archive. The rec.boats newsgroups are another good place for general questions.
Any spam messages which deliberately try to exploit the message board - such as non-boating ads, chain letters, etc. - are prohibited, and will be dealt with severely. That means not only removal, but a complaint to the Internet Service Provider of the spammer.