Search found 15 matches
- Jul 22nd, '21, 14:08
- Forum: Buy/Sell CD Boats & Gear
- Topic: CD 22 Hull # 90 going up for sale; Norfolk VA
- Replies: 1
- Views: 676
CD 22 Hull # 90 going up for sale; Norfolk VA
Due to a variety or reasons, including a very bad back and now living several hundred miles away from where she is docked, I am selling my CD 22. I am just the second owner. She is a sound boat and has given me many years of pleasure. Has (1) Jib, (1) 150% Genoa, both in good condition Mainsail in f...
- Jan 24th, '07, 20:50
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: Mainsheet Traveller - CD 22
- Replies: 12
- Views: 2573
- Jan 2nd, '07, 08:58
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: What happened to my rudder this afternoon?
- Replies: 15
- Views: 2656
New Key
When I purchased my 22 about 10 months ago, the bolt that holds the tiller key in tightly was missing. The key, which is made of brass, was worn down somewhat, from not being held firmly in place. I just couldn't get the tiller strap on tight enough to keep out some "slop" in the steering....
- Sep 12th, '06, 20:14
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: Interpreting NOAA Marine weather forcasts.
- Replies: 8
- Views: 1265
Seas and Swell
As explained above, a swell is a long period wave in the ocean which results from distant energy source such as a Hurricane. Seas are shorter lenght waves produced from local energy sources, i.e. wind. You can predict seas by knowing the wind speed and the fetch (distance the wind blows over the wat...
- Aug 17th, '06, 12:26
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: Surveyor Needed for Lower Chesapeake Bay
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1388
I was very happy with work done By CAPT Frank K Lanier. (757) 287- 3770. Frank is an active duty Coast Guard CAPT, who lives in the Norfolk VA area and is available pretty much anywhere in SE VA/NE NC He is a member of The Society Of Accredited Marine Surveyors, which has a good...
- Aug 15th, '06, 18:31
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: GPS Accuracy
- Replies: 6
- Views: 1182
Map Coordinates
Thee can be dozens of reasons for your GPS coordinates to be different from a tourist map. First what data is your GPS on? What datum is the map you are pulling the coordinates from? What datum is the map you are carting on. There are over 100 datums worldwide. If yo are not familar with a datum, ju...
- Jul 8th, '06, 16:19
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: Moving the battery on a CD22
- Replies: 9
- Views: 1604
Drain Hoses
I bought my CD22 from the original owner. Here drain hoses were not crossed and that is the way hey came orginally. I have never had any problems yet, and the previous owner never had any issues with them that way either.
- May 26th, '06, 18:06
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: Ethanol in gasoline
- Replies: 2
- Views: 881
Johnson and Evinrude
I don't know about Tohatsu, but I assume it is the same as for the Johnson/Evinrude engines. According to the company website, up to 10% ethanol is safe to run. As to the rubber fittings, think of all the ethanol that will be running through gasoline hoses in gas pumps and in other in tanks, through...
- May 9th, '06, 18:29
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: Question to ever one on sailing
- Replies: 35
- Views: 6295
It seemed the water was always around
I grew up on the south shore of LI and from as far back as I can remember, summer time was spent in, on, or near the water. Rowboats out of Babylon as a kid and then later surfing on Fire Island. College saw an oceanography major meet a woman who grew up on the CT shore. Marriage had me bring a 16ft...
- May 5th, '06, 19:34
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: Anyone willing to have a new sailor as crew on LI?
- Replies: 0
- Views: 580
Anyone willing to have a new sailor as crew on LI?
I have a friend, a COL in the USMC, who is being transfered to Mitchel Field in Mid-June. He learned to sail last summer and has been my sailing partner in racing 420's and on my CD. If anyone in that area is up to having a willing, but relatively inexpensive crew member, or has a recommendation as ...
- May 2nd, '06, 19:41
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: replacing seacocks in a Typhoon
- Replies: 11
- Views: 2448
Replacing Seacocks
A competent marine technician shouldn't charge you more than about an hour a seacock worth of labor to replace the ones you have. Then you would have the price of the new seacocks added to that. All in all, if you are not sure how to do it, the peace of mind you would have from a pro doing the job i...
- Mar 31st, '06, 20:06
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: CD30 Purchase Advice
- Replies: 12
- Views: 2642
78 CD 30 ad
Just for Info This add is running in a local Norfolk VA Paper.
Cape Dory Intrepid 30' 1978 custom North Main & Gennaker, Mylar, 150, Yanmar 15hp, new cushions, teak int., slip fees paid up to May 2006. Reduced. $17,000. 409-7555
Cape Dory Intrepid 30' 1978 custom North Main & Gennaker, Mylar, 150, Yanmar 15hp, new cushions, teak int., slip fees paid up to May 2006. Reduced. $17,000. 409-7555
- Mar 15th, '06, 16:03
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: Interior Paneling: Teak or Mahogany
- Replies: 6
- Views: 1225
Unique woods
Can not say what it will cost to buy or ship, or if they even have what you need, but check these folks out
They have a lot of wood that is hard/difficult to find.
They have a lot of wood that is hard/difficult to find.
- Feb 12th, '06, 14:13
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: Separated at Birth?
- Replies: 24
- Views: 4766
Making me Hungry
Ok, With you all getting my mouth watering for tastes of my youth (you say appetizing around here and people think your talking about canapes), being born in Brooklyn, but raised on the Island, with all my family, Bubbe and Zedde, living on Ave W, I have a question. My senior in college daughter is ...
- Nov 2nd, '05, 12:10
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: CD 22 Questions from a newbie
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1060
CD 22 Questions from a newbie
I am about to take possession of a CD 22. I do have a few questions that the owner can not answer for me. Some of these may seem very basic, but my sailing experience is almost totally in dinghies and hobies. 1. When out for a test sail, using the Jib (believe it or not it is the original Jib that c...