Low sulphur diesel fuel in Yanmar

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chuck yahrling

Low sulphur diesel fuel in Yanmar

Post by chuck yahrling »

Nigel Calder cautions about using low sulphur diesel fuel (LSD) in marine diesels, stating that many truck fuel stations are likely to have it. Any comments about that? I'd like to use 2D from the local gas station, but am unsure about what they might have.

Matt Cawthorne

Re: Low sulphur diesel fuel in Yanmar

Post by Matt Cawthorne »

I can't speak for Yanmar engines or for the fuel at your fuel dock, but our marina started selling low sulphur fuel about 3 years ago. They warned everyone. Since then I have added a fuel conditioner every time I get fuel (as well as a biocide and 20% soy diesel when I can get it) and have had no problems. My marina neighbor with the same perkins 4.108 engine did not add the conditioner until one day his injection pump somehow got stuck internally he and was unable to throttle back (the fuel shutoff still worked). I believe that he added the fuel conditioner and has not had a re-occurance of the problem. I can't confirm that the fuel was the cause of his problem, but the mechanic felt that it was a contributor. This information is anecdotal and without much scientific backup, but I would recommend adding one of these lubricants to your truck stop fuel as cheap insurance against the cost of a new injector, pump and/or labor.


chuck yahrling wrote: Nigel Calder cautions about using low sulphur diesel fuel (LSD) in marine diesels, stating that many truck fuel stations are likely to have it. Any comments about that? I'd like to use 2D from the local gas station, but am unsure about what they might have.

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