
Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Post by Robert »

I need to replace the sheets on my 7 year old Genoa. I went to the store the other day after work and the saleslady, the store's apparant "expert" on rigging, told me that I had to replace my sheet with precisely what's on there now, as, she said, that line is what the boat manufacturer spec'd. (I have a 1981 CD22 by the way). I told her that the sails were actually '95 (before I bought the boat) and that a high quality material typically used for sheets would be fine. You'd have thought someone farted by the look on her face.

Anyway, I just need a recommendation on a high quality, long lasting, well-made sheet material. Is there one that's pretty universally used? I can figure out the diameter and length if someone can just recommend a product or two that would be suitable. I'll then go to ANOTHER store and purchase it.

As usual, thanks in advance for your thoughtful consideration and advice. I can always seem to count on this board for an answer to my questions.
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