Dickinson "Newport" fireplace and a CD 31

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Ann and David Brownlee

Dickinson "Newport" fireplace and a CD 31

Post by Ann and David Brownlee »

We are the happy recipents of a splendid gift, a Dickinson "Newport" solid fuel fireplace (West master catalogue p. 538), which we aim to install this fall/winter. We have Larry DeMer's excellent account of installing this stove on his CD 30 (posted 10/31/01), but we would like some advice about the peculiarities of a CD 31 installation.

It seems to us that the best place to install the stove is on the bulkhead above the starboard settee berth, as low and as close to the centerline as possible. But a stovepipe run vertically from there will come up very close to the staysail traveller. Is that where others have installed it? Do they have to remove the top part of the chimney to sail? Or do they bend the stovepipe aft toward the mast before piercing the cabin top? That will place the charlie noble in a more protected place, near the mast, but it will prevent walking around in the cabin ahead of the mast.

All advice welcome, as always!

Ann and David Brownlee
CD 31 #1 "Windrush"
Havre de Grace, MD

john doyle

Re: Dickinson "Newport" fireplace and a CD 31

Post by john doyle »

Ann and David Brownlee wrote: We are the happy recipents of a splendid gift, a Dickinson "Newport" solid fuel fireplace (West master catalogue p. 538), which we aim to install this fall/winter. We have Larry DeMer's excellent account of installing this stove on his CD 30 (posted 10/31/01), but we would like some advice about the peculiarities of a CD 31 installation.

It seems to us that the best place to install the stove is on the bulkhead above the starboard settee berth, as low and as close to the centerline as possible. But a stovepipe run vertically from there will come up very close to the staysail traveller. Is that where others have installed it? Do they have to remove the top part of the chimney to sail? Or do they bend the stovepipe aft toward the mast before piercing the cabin top? That will place the charlie noble in a more protected place, near the mast, but it will prevent walking around in the cabin ahead of the mast.

All advice welcome, as always!

Ann and David Brownlee
CD 31 #1 "Windrush"
Havre de Grace, MD
I too have a stove (force 10) to install in my 31 & have been looking at possibly spots. Thought about the bulkhead forward of the head, but then lose access to the locker unless we remove the door & install shelves.
John CD31 #18 Bonnie Blue
Lake Lanier, Ga.


Re: Dickinson "Newport" fireplace and a CD 31

Post by Woody »

I have a CD 36 and mounted a Taylor stove. I have never been on a 31 however, if you think they are similar, here is what I did. I mounted it under my drop down table (to port) and then ran the stack into the head and up. I exited next to the mast and aft of the dorade. Works fine and draws well. I used a brass door kick plate on the bottom of the table as a heat shield as well as lined the head bulkhead with aluminum to act as a heat shield. I installed a pressure tank in the head and fished the fuel line through the bulkhead.


Re: Dickinson "Newport" fireplace and a CD 31

Post by Woody »

I'm not sure if my first post went through or not so forgive me if this is a duplicate. You want to place the stove as low as possible to obtain as much warmth as possible. It is also a good idea to have a fan to help move the air and the heat rises. I have a 36 and placed my Taylor stove under my dropdown table (therefore to port). I usded a brass door kick plate under the table to act as a heat shield. I went through the table and into the head before going through to the deck. My stack sits right beside the mast. Since I have a roller furler, there is a lot of halyard beside the stack which I tie back to keep it out of the way. I did not know it at the time but, there is flexible stack to make going through the bulkhead easier. I also lined the head bulkhead with aluminum to protect it.

Paul D.

Re: Dickinson "Newport" fireplace and a CD 31

Post by Paul D. »

Ann & David,

My brother and I installed a Dickinsen Solid fuel on our 33 this spring. It is on the port bulkhead just below table height. He ran a straight pipe up to the trim then a jog aft about six inches before exiting the deck beside the mast but a bit aft, right behind a dorade. I then installed the deck ring and charlie noble. The heat shield is a sheet of copper wrapped around some durarock and bolted through the bulkhead.

This works great and is out of the way. Heats the whole boat on Lake Superior which is a tough gig. I can leave the noble on all season too.

Not being familiar with the 31, I hope this helps. I think anyway you mount it you should consider the chimney placement and its proximity to "things that WILL get black"!

Paul Danicic
CD 33 #77 Christine Lynn

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