reefing for a typhoon

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reefing for a typhoon

Post by bill »

The new mainsail for my typhoon was delivered last week. I had reef points put on the main. Monday, I'll be getting line, hardware, etc. for jiffy reefing.
I could use some suggestions. Is 1/4" line for the reef lines the right size? What kind of cleats are best for tying off the reefs on the boom? I was thinking of trying jam cleats vs traditional horn cleats. Anyone use a reef hook instead of lines for the reef points at the tack? How did you attach it? (I still have the old roll-reefing goose neck on the boom.)
Really appreciate any sugestions, pointers,etc.
Bob B.

Re: reefing for a typhoon

Post by Bob B. »

When I had a typhoon, I had reef points put in my typhoon's main. I put a cheek block at the clew, a padeye on the opposite side, a standard cleat with line guides on the boom, and a reef hook at the tack. The reef hook that I used was a rams head style rather than the hook. I would just use a hook if I were to do it again. I did use 1/4 inch line. If 3/8 feels better in your hand it will work also.Make sure that you have the clew block and padeye leading a little aft so that the foot of the sail is pulled taught when you reef. I had the boom raised some with the reef points by positioning the clew a little up from horizontal and it was great while underway.

Reefing was always easy and I could put a reef in while backwinding the jib with ease. I do wish that I had a storm jib for some of the times that I would just use the double reefed main. I could still do about five knots in a good breeze with the double reefed main and felt in control of the boat.

Enjoy your new set-up especially as the fall breezes approach.

Bob B.
CD25D Tiva
Charleston, SC
Serge Zimberoff

Re: reefing for a typhoon

Post by Serge Zimberoff »

My reefing is very similar to Bob's. I do use jam cleats. For the line at the clew I used one of the available holes in the casting at the end of the mast. Started my line there, up through the reef point and down to the cheek block and through the jam cleat. A horned cleat might have the advantage of holding extra line out of the way however.
At the tack I have a hook to put the reef point onto. Used to use the Cunningham but it makes it hard to tension the foot of the sail.
Line is 1/4". I think 3/16" would also be fine and be easier to get the extra out of the way. (I usually wear gloves when the wind is 15 knots or more so the 3/16 would work ok for me.)
Ty #1700 "Cloning Around"
Mike Wainfeld

Re: reefing for a typhoon

Post by Mike Wainfeld »

Bill-I had a new gooseneck made by Rig-Rite with the reefing hook welded on. At the other end I just start the reefing line with a bowline around the boom, then up thru the reefing cringle(grommet) back down thru the cheek block and forward to a regular horn cleat. Reefing on a Ty is easy because I can stand in the companionway with my feet on the quarterberths, and reach the main halyard, reefing line, hook, etc. Also-search previous posts for more info.
Mike Wainfeld
CD Ty "Regalo"
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