Cape Dory 33 Traveler

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Chris Powell

Cape Dory 33 Traveler

Post by Chris Powell »

I have a 1981 CD 33 with the traveler on the bridge deck of the cockpit. I would like to know others thoughts about moving it to the cabin top. What arrangement, brand of traveler bridge and new mainsheet arangement. I think the current 5 part mainsheet does not provide enough leverage, Comments or recommendations?
Paul D.

Re: Cape Dory 33 Traveler

Post by Paul D. »


Harken makes an excellent cabintop traveler system if you can afford it. I personally would think twice. The mainsheet on the bridgedeck is one of the better arrangements in my view. You may singlehand the boat far easier as it is in reach from the helm. The location of the attachment at the boom is stronger than if mounted on the cabintop and you don't have another winch to deal with. After one season with our 1982 CD33, I would, if money were not a limiting factor, upgrade to a Harken traveler track with line control on the bridgedeck and get really good blocks to reduce friction.

This is simply the way I would do it. I have seen some pretty cumbersome mainsheet arrangements on cabintops and though you can do it well, the boat and boom was not designed for it and for less money you can have a well performing system that is easier to sail yourself. If, of course, you are willing to live with the mainsheet in the cockpit.

All the best,
Paul Danicic
CD 33 #77 Christine Lynn
Grand Marais, MN
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