Mooring Pennant & Chafing Gear

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Gary L.

Mooring Pennant & Chafing Gear

Post by Gary L. »

Just a couple of brief questions concerning mooring pennants and chafing gear. What would the "normal" pennant length be? Mine is more than 15' and sometimes the boat rides over it, which leaves scum marks along the topsides (both port and starboard)of my CD30C. I will use the information to pass on to the marina owner for next year.

Also, I have been using a rubber-type chafing product, that overlaps onto the pennant, and have secured it with rigging tape, sail tape, etc. with no success. It keeps working its way down the pennant. I have read of sewing the chafing to the pennant, but wanted to learn how others did it. So, how do you sailors keep your chafing gear on?

Thanks in advance,

Gary Lapine
Red Witch III
CD30C, #339
Somerset, MA
Dave D

Re: Mooring Pennant & Chafing Gear

Post by Dave D »

I have found several little tricks that work well for me. First, I like using about ten feet of pipe insulation over the pennant line from the shackle up. The fifteen feet you have sounds about right. I run two pennants so I zip tie them together, because no matter how you leave it when you go out sailing it is always tangled up when you return. This way there is no way it can get tangled. As for my chafing gear I use some old inch and a half fire hose wraped around and zip tied tight! I am still working out some bugs on the fire hose, but over all it works well. I think next year I'll stich them on.
What's important is to disapate the heat that can be caused by using the nylon ropes when large loads start stretching the line. Every time the line is pulled tight and stretched there is friction there and that causes heat. When you encase the pennants in plastic there is nowhere for the heat to go and in a storm your pennant line could fail. You want to use some sort of nylon jacket that is breatable and will let water get to the pennant so keep it cool and will also allow the pennant line not to be chafted. Hope this helped.

Dave D.
CD25 R&R
Gloucester, Ma

Gary L. wrote: Just a couple of brief questions concerning mooring pennants and chafing gear. What would the "normal" pennant length be? Mine is more than 15' and sometimes the boat rides over it, which leaves scum marks along the topsides (both port and starboard)of my CD30C. I will use the information to pass on to the marina owner for next year.

Also, I have been using a rubber-type chafing product, that overlaps onto the pennant, and have secured it with rigging tape, sail tape, etc. with no success. It keeps working its way down the pennant. I have read of sewing the chafing to the pennant, but wanted to learn how others did it. So, how do you sailors keep your chafing gear on?

Thanks in advance,

Gary Lapine
Red Witch III
CD30C, #339
Somerset, MA
Chris R

Re: Mooring Pennant & Chafing Gear

Post by Chris R »

Gary - I had once been told that your pennant should be 3 to 4 times the distance above the water where it will be secured to reduce vertical lift. I have no idea if the statement had any basis in fact or not, but it has worked for me.

I have used leather anti-chafing protection on my pennant. The leather is folded over the pennant and sewn to itself. The leather is then sewn onto the pennant along the top and bottom edges. It has provided several years of good protection and adds a nice classic look.

Gary L. wrote: Just a couple of brief questions concerning mooring pennants and chafing gear. What would the "normal" pennant length be? Mine is more than 15' and sometimes the boat rides over it, which leaves scum marks along the topsides (both port and starboard)of my CD30C. I will use the information to pass on to the marina owner for next year.

Also, I have been using a rubber-type chafing product, that overlaps onto the pennant, and have secured it with rigging tape, sail tape, etc. with no success. It keeps working its way down the pennant. I have read of sewing the chafing to the pennant, but wanted to learn how others did it. So, how do you sailors keep your chafing gear on?

Thanks in advance,

Gary Lapine
Red Witch III
CD30C, #339
Somerset, MA
Gary L.

Re: Mooring Pennant & Chafing Gear

Post by Gary L. »

Dave D wrote: I have found several little tricks that work well for me. First, I like using about ten feet of pipe insulation over the pennant line from the shackle up. The fifteen feet you have sounds about right. I run two pennants so I zip tie them together, because no matter how you leave it when you go out sailing it is always tangled up when you return. This way there is no way it can get tangled. As for my chafing gear I use some old inch and a half fire hose wraped around and zip tied tight! I am still working out some bugs on the fire hose, but over all it works well. I think next year I'll stich them on.
Thanks guys for your helpful hints. Zip ties...I would have never thought of that.

Dave D wrote: What's important is to disapate the heat that can be caused by using the nylon ropes when large loads start stretching the line. Every time the line is pulled tight and stretched there is friction there and that causes heat. When you encase the pennants in plastic there is nowhere for the heat to go and in a storm your pennant line could fail. You want to use some sort of nylon jacket that is breatable and will let water get to the pennant so keep it cool and will also allow the pennant line not to be chafted. Hope this helped.

Dave D.
CD25 R&R
Gloucester, Ma

Gary L. wrote: Just a couple of brief questions concerning mooring pennants and chafing gear. What would the "normal" pennant length be? Mine is more than 15' and sometimes the boat rides over it, which leaves scum marks along the topsides (both port and starboard)of my CD30C. I will use the information to pass on to the marina owner for next year.

Also, I have been using a rubber-type chafing product, that overlaps onto the pennant, and have secured it with rigging tape, sail tape, etc. with no success. It keeps working its way down the pennant. I have read of sewing the chafing to the pennant, but wanted to learn how others did it. So, how do you sailors keep your chafing gear on?

Thanks in advance,

Gary Lapine
Red Witch III
CD30C, #339
Somerset, MA
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