Nylon vs. Marelon??

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Ken Coit

Nylon vs. Marelon??

Post by Ken Coit »

Is there some reason I should not use nylon elbows, etc. in my sanitation plumbing? If there is, is it possible to minimize the trouble by rinsing with fresh water after a pump out?




Re: Nylon vs. Marelon??

Post by PatO »

Ken, Esprit had a 1 1/2" 90 deg. barbed nylon elbow in the line from the bowl to the vent. I believe it was original because the hose was so deteriorated but so hard to replace that I think it was just left while the other hoses were replaced. Anyway it was the oldest and only red hose in the system.
While the hose was in pretty bad shape, I was able to clean off the elbow and chuck it in my plumbing box (I didn't reuse it because the new hose was able to make the turn thru the liner and up to the vent w/o collapsing).
If it'll outlast the hose - maybe it is enough.
Hope this helps.


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