Typhoon, Weekender-What is it???

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Georgia Simpson

Typhoon, Weekender-What is it???

Post by Georgia Simpson »

I recently purchased a typhoon. In the specs I downloaded from this site, it's definitely not the daysailer, but there is no v-berth, just the quarter berths, and a bit of a bulkhead that would prevent extending a v-berth. It's also Hull No. 127. If we can figure out what it is, can we determine when it was built? I've heard a range of 1970 to 1975.

Ed Armstrong/Ty #1651

Re: Typhoon, Weekender-What is it???

Post by Ed Armstrong/Ty #1651 »

I've been told that the older weekenders didn't have the v-berth, just two quarterberths. Count yourself lucky. I haven't seen the setup of one of these older boats, but sounds like a more workable interior than mine. The v-berth is too short, and the quarterberths are like coffins. Someday I'll extend either the vberth or the quarterberths.

Can't help you on the year, though I thought that it was listed in the hull ID number.


Re: Typhoon, Weekender-What is it???

Post by Joel »

On the stern, my hull number is imprinted: CPDD00549M73K

She's a 1973 according to the registration and the 549 matches the nuber that's engraved in a plaque in the wall behind the tiller in the cockpit. I've assumed that the numbering system is somewhet consistent, although I'm not sure what part of that number implies that it's a Typhoon.

Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Bayside, NY


Re: Typhoon, Weekender-What is it???

Post by Mike »

Could your boat possibly be a Bristol 19 (not the Bristol/Sailstar Corinthian)? This boat was built within your time frame, and was even more similar to the Ty than was the earlier 19.6' Corinthian.
Georgia Simpson wrote: I recently purchased a typhoon. In the specs I downloaded from this site, it's definitely not the daysailer, but there is no v-berth, just the quarter berths, and a bit of a bulkhead that would prevent extending a v-berth. It's also Hull No. 127. If we can figure out what it is, can we determine when it was built? I've heard a range of 1970 to 1975.

Georgia Simpson

Re: Typhoon, Weekender-What is it???

Post by Georgia Simpson »

Mike wrote: Could your boat possibly be a Bristol 19 (not the Bristol/Sailstar Corinthian)? This boat was built within your time frame, and was even more similar to the Ty than was the earlier 19.6' Corinthian.

Mike - probably not, it has the brass plate mounted on the stern behing the tiller, identifying it as Typhoon Hull 127.
Thanks, interesting idea, tho.
Georgia Simpson

Re: Typhoon, Weekender-What is it???

Post by Georgia Simpson »

Joel wrote: On the stern, my hull number is imprinted: CPDD00549M73K

Bayside, NY
Mine doesn't even have a stern imprint! Just the brass plate mounted behind the tiller, that says 'Alberg Typhoon, Hull No. 127 etc.", no year.

Georgia Simpson

Re: Typhoon, Weekender-What is it???

Post by Georgia Simpson »

Ed Armstrong/Ty #1651 wrote: I've been told that the older weekenders didn't have the v-berth, just two quarterberths
Can't help you on the year, though I thought that it was listed in the hull ID number.
Thanks. That makes sense. It doesn't even have a hull id imprinted on the stern, just the brass plate behind the tiller with "Alberg Typhoon, Hull no. 127," etc., no year.
"Prairie Orchid"

Joe Sankey

Re: Typhoon, Weekender-What is it???

Post by Joe Sankey »

It seems to me that I've read somewhere the Ty was made initially by someone other than Cape Dory. Does anyone know who? Perhaps this is part of the hull number mystery.
Joe Sankey
CD 30 Slow Dance
Magnolia Springs, AL
Georgia Simpson wrote:
Ed Armstrong/Ty #1651 wrote: I've been told that the older weekenders didn't have the v-berth, just two quarterberths
Can't help you on the year, though I thought that it was listed in the hull ID number.
Thanks. That makes sense. It doesn't even have a hull id imprinted on the stern, just the brass plate behind the tiller with "Alberg Typhoon, Hull no. 127," etc., no year.
"Prairie Orchid"

John H.

Re: Typhoon, Weekender-What is it???

Post by John H. »

Congratulations, you have a 1969 or 1970 Typhoon. The brass plate should say Carl Alberg's Typhoon, mfg Cape Dory Yachts, Nausett MA and the number. There are a number of early variants - slatted wooden seats with a deep (below the waterline) cockpit, no cabin liner with plywood berths, the two quarter berths, cabin stepped mast. Look at other boats' shroud chain plates, stem fitting, and berth arrangement to see where yours fits in. If yours is an early deck stepped mast without a compression post, look carefully for deck sagging. Enjoy. JH

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