Help! Motor specs for Typhoon

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Help! Motor specs for Typhoon

Post by Colin »

Looking to purchase a motor for a Typhoon to get us in and out of a slip. What are the specs? Long shaft or can we get a short? (15", 21"??) and 2hp? 3.5hp? 4hp? How small can we go? Any suggestions GREATLY appreciated.
Mike Wainfeld

Re: Help! Motor specs for Typhoon

Post by Mike Wainfeld »

Colin-3hp long shaft. Yamaha. Keep the fuel tank full. Winterize it.

Re: Help! Motor specs for Typhoon

Post by Joel »

Long shaft. I'd go 4 hp, 2-cycle. 2-cycles are lighter than 4. Power requirements depend on the conditions where you are sailing/motoring. IMHO If you'll be fighting tide as well as wind, I wouldn't go less than 4hp.

Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Bayside, NY
Mike Raehl

Re: Help! Motor specs for Typhoon

Post by Mike Raehl »

I bought the Tohatsu 3.5, 2 stroke because it is only 28 lbs. Also changed to 7" pitch prop to get more torque.
John (Rosetta Stone)

Re: Help! Motor specs for Typhoon

Post by John (Rosetta Stone) »

Hi - this may seem redundant to the other's comments, but I have a 4hp long shaft two stroke. It's light and powerful enough to push her to hull speed. Friday night I had to motor into a steep chop and 20mph wind for over an an hour, and although it was a wet and cold ride, the motor pushed her along. I'd LOVE a 4 stroke because they are quieter, but they are typically heavier, and as you know the rule of thumb is to minimize weight "on the ends". JPT

Re: Help! Motor specs for Typhoon

Post by Charlie »

I have a five HP four stroke (yep, heavier) and I can say that while the power and quiet will be nice, you have to be a fairly strong person to put it on and take it off the mount. Mine weighs something like 90 pounds.
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