Sailboat Outboard exhaust

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Stephen Koob

Sailboat Outboard exhaust

Post by Stephen Koob »

I don't have a Cape Dory but I have a 67 Sailstar that has an enclosed outboard motor area. I have a 9.9 Evinrude located in this compartment and I am trying to find and exhaust system that I can bolt to the exhaust of the engine and run an exhaust hose or pipe to the outside of the stern. I have a piece of pipe coming out of the stern already. Older boats had this type of system and I have been told that Cape Dory had the same type. Does anyone know where I can get this type of exhaust system or do I need to customize something. Thanks
Dana Arenius

Re: Sailboat Outboard exhaust

Post by Dana Arenius »

Hi Stephen,

Yes, many of the Cape Dory models have the outboard engine well.
I have a four stroke 9.9 HP Yamaha in mine. It has less smoke
but the problem is still there. Besides the hub exhaust which
really only works underway, I have the same engine blow-by exhaust
coming out of the back of the skeg, just below the engine head.
I also have an additional exhaust from a oil separator which is
a animal of this four stroke model.

My Yamaha manual describes applying a 1/4 inch aluminium tube into
the blow-by exhaust hole. A hose is then clamped over the exposed
tube end and fed out of the engine well in a downward slope. The
slope is required because both water and exhaust come out of the
exhaust blow-by. Since my engine head is positioned low in the
engine well, I only draped the hose down and out of the engine well
hole. The hose is only about 7 inches long and is fairly rigid over
that length. Because the hose has a little curve to it, I made it
just long enough so that it hooks thru and away toward the aft of the
boat. This eliminated the majority of the well smoke where I can run
the engine with the hatch down. I can also pull the engine without
disconnecting a lot of hoses. The hose does not flop around at all
underway. Gas line hose or the clear poly hose is great. Simple
and cheap. Other sailors who have tried it also have had success.
If you need a sketch to consider, I can attach one to you by email
in gif or tif format if desired.

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