"Portable Mooring" Update and invitation for R.I. Boaters

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Joe L.

"Portable Mooring" Update and invitation for R.I. Boaters

Post by Joe L. »

For those of you who read about my adventures with my mobile mooring:

Turns out the pin that connects the bottom and top chain came out. The mooring guy felt horrible and he apologized about twenty times. I ended up feeling bad for him (my wife is still not so forgiving). We put the mooring in late in the evening and we were rushing because he was going to help me bring my boat from Bristol Marine to the town dock before dark (which he did for no charge, he's a really nice guy). Anyway, he went out and retrieved the bouy and reattached everything. So we'll make another go at it this weekend (moving the boat from the town dock to the mooring).

Now the invitation:

If anyone from the Bristol area would like to go out in our boat with us to offer a few lessons, we'd be glad to have you. I'd be willing to compensate you for your time (money, food, malt beverages, etc.) Also, if anyone would like a couple of deck hands on their boat, that would be great too.

We plan to take lessons, but none are being offered this early and we're anxious to get going. I've been reading and studying the sailing instruction books that the schools and the coast guard uses, so I at least have some book knowledge on what goes on - now I need some practical knowledge.

Joe L.
bob CD25
Bristol, RI

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