Winches on a Typhoon

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Dan Sholler

Winches on a Typhoon

Post by Dan Sholler »

Any good ideas on how to open up a recalcitrant winch on my typhoon. I have the original bronze winches, that are held together with the large screw down the center. one of them I have been able to take apart and clean (it looked like it had never been cleaned) but the other, I was unable to move the screw. I tried using the winch handle and various other devices in the slot, but all I did was nick the screwhead. Oh, yeah, and sprayed in lots of WD40.
john doyle

Re: Winches on a Typhoon

Post by john doyle »

Dan Sholler wrote: Any good ideas on how to open up a recalcitrant winch on my typhoon. I have the original bronze winches, that are held together with the large screw down the center. one of them I have been able to take apart and clean (it looked like it had never been cleaned) but the other, I was unable to move the screw. I tried using the winch handle and various other devices in the slot, but all I did was nick the screwhead. Oh, yeah, and sprayed in lots of WD40.
I had the same kind of winches & 1 came apart easily, the other was a 2 person job. Put the winch handle in the screw slot & push down as hard as needed (?) and have your assistant turn the handle just above the top of the winch with an adjustable wrench. Worked for us & hopefully will for you. Mine didn't look like they had ever been apart & boat is a 1977
john CD31 #18 on beautiful but small Lake Lanier, Georgia
Jeff Funston

Re: Winches on a Typhoon

Post by Jeff Funston »

Try a better penatrant than WD, I use the PB blaster for my stubborn screws
Rocky Dinsmoor

Re: Winches on a Typhoon

Post by Rocky Dinsmoor »

What are the small nuts on the bottom of the winch for?
Dan Sholler

Re: Winches on a Typhoon

Post by Dan Sholler »

Rocky Dinsmoor wrote: What are the small nuts on the bottom of the winch for?
I have always assumed that they were so you could take the winch off the bracket that it is mounted on. However, I have never found anyone who has done this, and I wasn't sure that if I went through the trouble, it would make taking the winch apart any easier. (Since the bolt holding it together is screwed into the body of the winch from the top, I don't think there is any access from the bottom, although you might be able to clean it if you could take the bottom plate off).
michael phillips

Re: Winches on a Typhoon

Post by michael phillips »

It might help (taking the winch off the mount) but be carefull!
I can't remember if they are studs or bolts - if bolts, you may
get in trouble from loosening the nuts but not being able remove
them without access to the head, under the drum... catch-22.

CD28 #318
Bluewater Bay FL
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