Hi all, I'm intrigued about the product called Teakguard. I would like to give it a try. My dilemma: This year, I stripped off the old Cetol finish on my toerails, handrails, etc. I didn't strip the cockpit coaming's teak, because I stripped and applied Cetol on them last year. My question is----will the finish of Teakguard match or closely match Cetol's color on my cockpit coamings?????? Anyone have experience with both products? The color match is my concern. . .Although, a close match is okay. It doesn't have to be exact, but I don't want it to look goofy.
Teakguard's color????
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Teakguard's color????
I just finished doing my CD25 with teakguard and I was very happy with the results of this non varnish product.. I have the tiller and the hatch boards done in armada ( last year ) and combo looks fine. I noticed when teakguard is applied it darkens like a perfect match of Armada) but quickly dries ( 10 minutes ) to a much lighter color very much like light caramel. It's a bit odd watching it dry (blotchy ) but when it does it's coverage is fine. Looks like some dark red pigment is used as I noticed some around the top of the jug. After the 3rd coat I got nice light sheen. It's also very watery and loves to run.. took about 1 quart to do 3 coats on happy daze ( bought the 1/2 gallon @ $44.00 ). I'll see how this season goes with it.. but at least I know next season there will be no scraping and sanding !
Capt JT
s/v Happy Daze
New Haven, CT
Capt JT
s/v Happy Daze
New Haven, CT
skipper wrote: Hi all, I'm intrigued about the product called Teakguard. I would like to give it a try. My dilemma: This year, I stripped off the old Cetol finish on my toerails, handrails, etc. I didn't strip the cockpit coaming's teak, because I stripped and applied Cetol on them last year. My question is----will the finish of Teakguard match or closely match Cetol's color on my cockpit coamings?????? Anyone have experience with both products? The color match is my concern. . .Although, a close match is okay. It doesn't have to be exact, but I don't want it to look goofy.