Boom Vang Installation Question

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Boom Vang Installation Question

Post by Joel »

After reading about the benefits of having one, I'm installing a boom vang on my Ty. However, I've never sailed with one before, so I've got some elementary questions.

I ordered a Schaeffer 4:1 tackle vang from Rigging Only. I'm planning on installing a bail on the mast as close to the tabernacle as possible and a pad eye (or bail) on the boom so that the vang will be at a 45 degree angle. Any comments are welcome.

Also, I have two questions: One of the blocks on the vang has a V cleat. Does this go at the boom or mast end? If on the mast end, one has to go forward to tension the vang (a negative) and can coil the unused line on a spare cleat on the mast (a plus). If on the boom end, one can adjust the tension from within the cockpit (a plus), but where does the unused line get stowed? Does anyone have any pix?


s/y Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Bayside, NY

Re: Boom Vang Installation Question

Post by sloopjohnl »


you do not need that long of a tail on your vang. the one on my ty is about 10-12 inches long loose and maybe 24 inches loaded. but then again it is only a 3:1 vang. with a 4:1 you may end up with more tail when loaded. try it for awhile and see if you can eliminate some line once you have it setup. on my laser and the ty, both came from the factory with vangs setup so the tail (v- or jam cleat) was at the boom. this offers easy adjustment by a singlehanded helmsman while manning the tiller. you pull down on the tail to tension, then pull back and up to jam the tail in the cleat.

i put some tension on the vang for anything from a close reach to a run. helps act like a traveler to some degree. most tension is applied on a run.

you're gonna love having one, especially on that first run before the wind. ~ ~ _/) ~ ~ _/) good luck with your new equipment.

Joel wrote: After reading about the benefits of having one, I'm installing a boom vang on my Ty. However, I've never sailed with one before, so I've got some elementary questions.

I ordered a Schaeffer 4:1 tackle vang from Rigging Only. I'm planning on installing a bail on the mast as close to the tabernacle as possible and a pad eye (or bail) on the boom so that the vang will be at a 45 degree angle. Any comments are welcome.

Also, I have two questions: One of the blocks on the vang has a V cleat. Does this go at the boom or mast end? If on the mast end, one has to go forward to tension the vang (a negative) and can coil the unused line on a spare cleat on the mast (a plus). If on the boom end, one can adjust the tension from within the cockpit (a plus), but where does the unused line get stowed? Does anyone have any pix?


s/y Pokey II
'73 Ty #549
Bayside, NY
J. Chamberlain

Re: Boom Vang Installation Question

Post by J. Chamberlain »

We have a vang on our TY. I would recommend a bail on the mast and boom. I've tried both ways -- block at mast and boom ends. I get more leverage with the block on the boom. I don't worry about the excess line.
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