I have what I thought was a simple question about bottom paint compatibility, and I've been amazed by the difference of opinion I've received - leading me to rely once again on this Board to provide the definitive word. The question is as follows. I've got a boat currently with VC17 on the bottom (and with VC Tar under that). It's all coming off next year, but I need to get through one season in the Middle Chesapeake. Accordingly, I need something compatible with VC but will come off easily next year. I referred to the current Interlux compatibility chart which indicates that ACT will work with a light sand. Just to be safe, I asked my yard manager and he called his Interlux rep. who said NOTHING will adhere to the VC. Interestingly, the compatibility chart the yard has indicates that the VC has to be removed before ACT can be used. Totally confused, I called the Interlux 800 number - yet another answer, ACT would work with a hard sand. Others have suggested that Petit Trinidad SR would work.
I'd appreciate the thoughts of anyone who has considered the issue. Thanks in advance.
Bottom Paint Confusion
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Bottom Paint Confusion
West Marine has a compatibility chart you may want to look at before deciding what to do. See the link below.
Ed Haley
S/V Mokita
CD330 #1
Mystic CT (temporary)
Ed Haley
S/V Mokita
CD330 #1
Mystic CT (temporary)
Re: Bottom Paint Confusion
Seems unlikely to me that anything would stick to the VC-17 given its high content of Teflon.
Brett Miller wrote: I have what I thought was a simple question about bottom paint compatibility, and I've been amazed by the difference of opinion I've received - leading me to rely once again on this Board to provide the definitive word. The question is as follows. I've got a boat currently with VC17 on the bottom (and with VC Tar under that). It's all coming off next year, but I need to get through one season in the Middle Chesapeake. Accordingly, I need something compatible with VC but will come off easily next year. I referred to the current Interlux compatibility chart which indicates that ACT will work with a light sand. Just to be safe, I asked my yard manager and he called his Interlux rep. who said NOTHING will adhere to the VC. Interestingly, the compatibility chart the yard has indicates that the VC has to be removed before ACT can be used. Totally confused, I called the Interlux 800 number - yet another answer, ACT would work with a hard sand. Others have suggested that Petit Trinidad SR would work.
I'd appreciate the thoughts of anyone who has considered the issue. Thanks in advance.