Shorepower Compliance

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Chuck Bell

Shorepower Compliance

Post by Chuck Bell »

Recent survey of my boat included the following finding:
"The AC shore power service has the following discrepancies: solid strand wire, AC grounding connected to the AC neutral at the service box, does not have the AC grounding connected to the vessel's bonding system, and has only a single pole 20 amp breaker. The AC shore power system needs to be revised and brought into compliance with the A.B.Y.C. wiring standards."
The current wiring looks to be original.
Do I need to completely rewire the AC system? Any suggestions on how to bring the current system into compliance? Practical advice will be appreciated.
Chuck Bell
CD27 #212, "Spirit"
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