Just caught this on "another" bb. Warning about a low powerline. Since we have several floridians on the bb I thought it appropriate.....
s/v Aimless
West Coast Florida WARNING !!!
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: West Coast Florida WARNING !!!
This is not the only powerline that is mismarked. Queenstown Creek off of the Chester river on the Chesapeake has a powerline marked on the NOAA charts as having a 66' vertical clearance and it was struck at low tide by a 59' tall rig which fortunately did only about $3000 worth of damage to electronics and rigging tangs with no harm to the occupants of the boat. Despite efforts by the sailor involved, there has not been an effort made to solve this problem. So be forewarned before passing under any powerline, the charts cannot be trusted.John Nuttall wrote: Just caught this on "another" bb. Warning about a low powerline. Since we have several floridians on the bb I thought it appropriate.....
s/v Aimless
Jerry Axler
Re: West Coast Florida WARNING !!!
I hate to contradict such an esteemed colleague as Claiborne Young but Crystal River is my home port and I just passed under the powerline leading to Twin Rivers Marina this past Monday, Feb. 11 in my Cape Dory 28. The specs give a mast height of 40' 6", plus another two for my VHF antenna. It always looks close but there probably is an additional five feet of clearance. The 47-feet estimated by Twin Rivers is accurate. It's my regular fueling dock.
More ominous is the sand bar which runs parallel with the dock about 40-feet away and goes to three feet at high tide. I now pull in bow first, fuel up and then walk the bow toward the way I came in to avoid the bar. Of course I only attempt this maneuver at slack tide, light winds and with no other boat traffic.
Crystal River has lots of skinny water and other shortcomings but Twin Rivers power line is not a problem for mast heights of 45-feet or less. Fair winds.
Kevin Mulligan
CD 28, # 226 "Skibbereen"
Just caught this on "another" bb. Warning about a low powerline. Since we have several floridians on the bb I thought it appropriate.....
More ominous is the sand bar which runs parallel with the dock about 40-feet away and goes to three feet at high tide. I now pull in bow first, fuel up and then walk the bow toward the way I came in to avoid the bar. Of course I only attempt this maneuver at slack tide, light winds and with no other boat traffic.
Crystal River has lots of skinny water and other shortcomings but Twin Rivers power line is not a problem for mast heights of 45-feet or less. Fair winds.
Kevin Mulligan
CD 28, # 226 "Skibbereen"
Just caught this on "another" bb. Warning about a low powerline. Since we have several floridians on the bb I thought it appropriate.....
John Nuttall wrote: John
s/v Aimless
Perhaps yopu could let him know,,,,,
....I think there was a link at the end of his message.
Thanks for the "on site" update !
Thanks for the "on site" update !