Sources for Signal Flags?

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Rich Reynolds

Sources for Signal Flags?

Post by Rich Reynolds »

I've been searching for a complete set of signal flags, for dressing
ship, in size #2 (about 18x24 in.). Anyone know of a good source that
is reasonably priced? Signal flag sets seem to be outrageously expensive...

-Rich Reynolds
S/V Tanqueray
CD 30K #90
Doug Young

Re: Sources for Signal Flags?

Post by Doug Young »

West Marine has sets.
Nautical Traditions Offic

Re:Signal Flags?

Post by Nautical Traditions Offic »

Captain Commanding Tanqueray,

You could of course use your entire set of International Code Signal Flags to "dress ship", but why would you want to when you can fly ANY set of flags you can get, including Maggies drawers! As Doug states, I believe you can also purchase a set of random flags to "dress ship" with. Oh, and if you do use the entire ICS set, there is a sequence in which they are to be displayed. But, that is for another post....I remain Sir, your most HUMBLE servant...........

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer
Leo MacDonald

West Marine Signal Flag set is small

Post by Leo MacDonald »


The West Marine set is small maybe 12 X 14 inches (??)

Fair Winds,
Neil Gordon

Re: West Marine Signal Flag set is small

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>The West Marine set is small maybe 12 X 14 inches (??)<<

West Marine has larger flags, too, in the catalog, as I remember. Not cheap, though.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Neil Gordon

Re:Signal Flags?

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>Oh, and if you do use the entire ICS set, there is a sequence in which they are to be displayed.<<

The sequence, they say, is designed to mix the colors correctly and give a nice display. But in fact, it was to discourage the signalmen from inserting personal messages, especially those referring to the admiral.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167

Re: Sources for Signal Flags?

Post by Mario »

Christine Davis flags ( advertises in sailing magazines, but her web site appears to be DOA. They will send a catalog if you email or call them.

Better yet, go to for listings of a number of flag/burgee makers.

Rich Reynolds wrote: I've been searching for a complete set of signal flags, for dressing
ship, in size #2 (about 18x24 in.). Anyone know of a good source that
is reasonably priced? Signal flag sets seem to be outrageously expensive...

-Rich Reynolds
S/V Tanqueray
CD 30K #90
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