What to do when the bridge doesn't open.

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Michael Greenberg

What to do when the bridge doesn't open.

Post by Michael Greenberg »

Now this is some novel technique we should all practice.


Re: What to do when the bridge doesn't open.

Post by Fred »

Michael Greenberg wrote: Now this is some novel technique we should all practice.
I'll be damned! (sorry, darned) That is about the funniest set of photos I've seen in some time.

Re: What to do when the bridge doesn't open.

Post by Art »

These photos are unbelievable! Thanks for sharing them Art


Re: What to do when the bridge doesn't open.

Post by Art »

These photos are unbelievable! Thanks for sharing them Art

Bob B.

Re: What to do when the bridge doesn't open.

Post by Bob B. »

I operated a barge tug for a few years and it makes me shake looking at this. There were many times that the current and such just did what it wanted with us. Our tows were huge(east coast standards) for the power of the boats and we just had to work with the water instead of trying to over power it. This just goes to show how difficult these boats and tows are to control. Ya'll be careful around them.

Bob B.
CD25D Tiva

Mark Yashinsky

What about damage to the bridge?!?!?

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

Think the tug captain reported it??? "Gee, I dunno know how the smoke stack got bent and how the come there's fish in it".

demasted because of bridge

Post by bobm »

my dad lost his main mast to a bridge in Newburyport Mass. The current there is nasty maybe averaging 5 knots...my dad was moving his 42' schooner back up river for the late fall and was about to cross under the Route 1a bridge...the guy opens it up all is well...so my dad thought...now we are talking a 42' 30,0000 lb wooden schooner with a 60' mast-either ash or something...and my dad is with the current...at about 50' from the bridge the operator starts closing the bridge-and before my dad gets through the bridge closes on top of the boat. The mast comes down just misses him and a crewman he has on board(it was the guys frist ever trip on a sailboat). SO now my dad is running down river with a 5 knot current, with a mast hanging over boad-attached by hell, numerous amounts of shrouds, running rigging and antenna. Somehow he managed to free it all and keep his prop free and save the boat...
My dad was an iorn for 20 years and he has seen it all-even sailing to greenland...this was his worst experience at sea, ever and it was all in the protected confines of Newburyport Harbor.

Oh-no boat insurance-they still dont carry it on their 35 pearson-and I wont carry it on my boat...
Now back then, in the late 70's early 80's they were able to deduct the damage as a loss from their taxes, and got a huge refund...enabling them to replace the mast and buy a fancy loran :)
This deduction has since been eliminated...

M. R. Bober

WOW! We just thought CDs don't steer when reversing

Post by M. R. Bober »

Let's see right hand props walk which way???
Quite a set of photos, Mike. Where did this happen?
Mitchell Bober
Richard Feffer

Re: Reminds me

Post by Richard Feffer »

Reminds me of the 14' tractor-trailers on the Merritt Parkway trying to get under a 13' bridge!!!

Richard Feffer

Re: Where and when?

Post by Richard Feffer »

Anyone recognize the bridge? When did it happen?

Richard Feffer

Re: Sue the guy?!

Post by Richard Feffer »

Wouldn't the Corps of Engineers assume responsibility for their obvious blunder and be liable for damages?

D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Just think of all the things....

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

that had to be just right to allow that to happen. Water depth under the bridge just deep enough to let the vessel submerge and not roll over. Current strong enough to force the vessel through. Superstructure didn't catch on bridge. No obstacles under the water under the bridge to stop the vessel. Captain dumb enough not to watch where he was going!!! Upps, that wasn't a personnel attack, but you do have to wonder!!!

I wonder, does this skipper now attend church regularly? If he doesn't, he sure should! Geez, didn't even stop the engine!!! Amazing!!!!


Re: Sue the guy?!

Post by bobm »

Richard Feffer wrote: Wouldn't the Corps of Engineers assume responsibility for their obvious blunder and be liable for damages?
I cant remember if my parents sued or not,-back in the late 70's early 80' and in New England-suing was notas popular back then as it is now...I do know that nothing happened to the brige operator

What happened to the pix?

Post by Joel »

It looks like they moved the site into the ether. Too bad. I've been showing the site to folks as an example the kind of value I get from this board! ;)
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