hand starting a 1GM Yanmar

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Bruce Janssen

hand starting a 1GM Yanmar

Post by Bruce Janssen »

Has anyone out there used a hand crank to start a Yanmar thumper? It's 3 weeks till I leave for two months on the Sea of Cortez and I'm running out of things to worry about. Also where can I purchase a Baja Filter? Thanks


Re: hand starting a 1GM Yanmar

Post by Bill »

Bruce cant help you with the hand cranking, but West Marine has two different sizes of Baja filters. Also, cant help you with the quality of the filters, just know that they have them.

Good luck and FW

S/V Rhapsody

Bruce Janssen wrote: Has anyone out there used a hand crank to start a Yanmar thumper? It's 3 weeks till I leave for two months on the Sea of Cortez and I'm running out of things to worry about. Also where can I purchase a Baja Filter? Thanks

Bob B

Re: hand starting a 1GM Yanmar

Post by Bob B »

I spent about a year hand cranking my 1GM. It was fairly easy but a bit of a contortionist sort of action.
1. Make sure that your master switch and ignition switch are on and I put my throttle down about half way in neutral. This will keep the diodes in the alternator from blowing once the engine is cranked.
2. Insert the hand crank over the shaft extending from the front of the engine.
3. Find the decompression knob/lever and hold it in the decompressed position. I held this open with my foot while cranking with my arm.
4. Crank the engine over a few times, I think that mine turns counter clockwise, and release the decompression lever when the momentum gets up.

It should crank right up. When it is cold, a few more cranks may be in order but I've never been unable to crank the engine because of lack of battery power.

Good luck on your journey.

Bob B.
CD25D Tiva

Bruce Janssen wrote: Has anyone out there used a hand crank to start a Yanmar thumper? It's 3 weeks till I leave for two months on the Sea of Cortez and I'm running out of things to worry about. Also where can I purchase a Baja Filter? Thanks

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