roller furler
Moderator: Jim Walsh
roller furler
I was contemplating installing a roller furler for the head sail on my CD26, any thoughts, warnings, etc?
Anthony Palmiotti
Anthony Palmiotti
Re: roller furler
We have a standard practice on our CD28 to always check for a fouled furling line after unfurling the head sail, and just before furling it. The line has been known to get fouled at unfortunate times such as while sailing at night just before the wind kicks up. We keep a flashlight at the helm at night primarily for this. Someday, I might wire a red deck light up by the furler with a siwtch at the helm. I would also look for a drum design that is easy to lubricate, easy to replace the furler line, and has a place to secure a second heavier line when using the head sail partially unfurled during heavy winds (we have an old head sail, and don't worry about blowing it out of shape).
We have a standard practice on our CD28 to always check for a fouled furling line after unfurling the head sail, and just before furling it. The line has been known to get fouled at unfortunate times such as while sailing at night just before the wind kicks up. We keep a flashlight at the helm at night primarily for this. Someday, I might wire a red deck light up by the furler with a siwtch at the helm. I would also look for a drum design that is easy to lubricate, easy to replace the furler line, and has a place to secure a second heavier line when using the head sail partially unfurled during heavy winds (we have an old head sail, and don't worry about blowing it out of shape).
Anthony Palmiotti wrote: I was contemplating installing a roller furler for the head sail on my CD26, any thoughts, warnings, etc?
Anthony Palmiotti
Re: roller furler
>>I was contemplating installing a roller furler for the head sail on my CD26, any thoughts, warnings, etc?<<
We've had a CDI furler on LIQUIDITY for five years, with zero problems and zero maintenance.
Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
We've had a CDI furler on LIQUIDITY for five years, with zero problems and zero maintenance.
Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Re: roller furler
I installed a Harken roller furler 5 or more years ago and have never regretted it! I've had zero problems with it. My only caution is to make sure you select a reputable shop to swage the new fitting that will be installed on the lower end of the head stay. Mine looks like it was done with a ball peen hammer...although its never had a problem
I love my Harken Model 0
We have had no problems whatsoever, and only minimal maintenance. After the yard damaged one of the foil sections (at the top, of course) one winter, I learned how helpful Harken customer service is and how easy it would be to install yourself (especially now that you can use a Sta-Lok terminal for the headstay).
Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI
Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI
Re: roller furler
My sailmakers installed a Furlex two years ago on my CD27. What a rugged piece of equipment. The difference in furling between the Furlex and the old furler I replaced is like the difference between chicken salad and chicken s--t. One other nice feature with the Furlex...the new Furlex comes with a brand new headstay. So I got my headstay replaced in the deal. Its an expensive piece of equipment, as headsail furlers go, but it works great when you need it.Anthony Palmiotti wrote: I was contemplating installing a roller furler for the head sail on my CD26, any thoughts, warnings, etc?
Anthony Palmiotti
Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Re: roller furler
i have had same experience with furlex, several orders of magnitude better than the Hood furler that it replaced
i have had same experience with furlex, several orders of magnitude better than the Hood furler that it replaced
Me Too!!
Same boat, same furler (Harken 0). Unknown vintage, but furler looks to be about 10 years old and still works like new.
Bill Goldsmith
Second Chance
Bill Goldsmith
Second Chance
Duncan Maio wrote: We have had no problems whatsoever, and only minimal maintenance. After the yard damaged one of the foil sections (at the top, of course) one winter, I learned how helpful Harken customer service is and how easy it would be to install yourself (especially now that you can use a Sta-Lok terminal for the headstay).
Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI
Re: Me Too Too!!
I also have a Harken Model 0 on my CD27....very happy with it. Second Harken furler I've had...also had the 00 on my Quickstep...never a problem or concern, no matter the weather. Had a CDI Flexible Furler on a Compac 19 I used to sail...good furler, but I didn't know anyone with it on a larger boat, so went with Harken...not too expensive comparatively, very excellent company.Bill Goldsmith wrote: Same boat, same furler (Harken 0). Unknown vintage, but furler looks to be about 10 years old and still works like new.
Bill Goldsmith
Second Chance
Duncan Maio wrote: We have had no problems whatsoever, and only minimal maintenance. After the yard damaged one of the foil sections (at the top, of course) one winter, I learned how helpful Harken customer service is and how easy it would be to install yourself (especially now that you can use a Sta-Lok terminal for the headstay).
Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI
Clay Stalker
CDI on a larger boat
A friend put a CDI furler on his Catalina 30. Said it's the best thing he ever did, sailing-wise. Self-installed, no maintenance, works like a charm.
Joel s/y Pokey II
'73 Typhoon #549
Joel s/y Pokey II
'73 Typhoon #549
Clay Stalker wrote:I also have a Harken Model 0 on my CD27....very happy with it. Second Harken furler I've had...also had the 00 on my Quickstep...never a problem or concern, no matter the weather. Had a CDI Flexible Furler on a Compac 19 I used to sail...good furler, but I didn't know anyone with it on a larger boat, so went with Harken...not too expensive comparatively, very excellent company.Bill Goldsmith wrote: Same boat, same furler (Harken 0). Unknown vintage, but furler looks to be about 10 years old and still works like new.
Bill Goldsmith
Second Chance
Duncan Maio wrote: We have had no problems whatsoever, and only minimal maintenance. After the yard damaged one of the foil sections (at the top, of course) one winter, I learned how helpful Harken customer service is and how easy it would be to install yourself (especially now that you can use a Sta-Lok terminal for the headstay).
Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI
Clay Stalker