2,000 miles at 7 mph

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Jim Alexander

2,000 miles at 7 mph

Post by Jim Alexander »

My wife and I just completed our first cruise. (See title). We started at the west end of Lake Erie and are now at Jacksonville, Fl. Ragtime is a Cape Dory 33 and here are some technical points from this trip.
1. This boat will take care of you unless you make some REALLY BIG mistakes.
2. There are three reasons for good motor operation. Clean fuel, clean fuel, and clean fuel. Diesels are pretty much bullet proof unless you are really stupid in your maintenance duties.
3. The more you know about your motor the better your trip will be. By the time you get there you will be much more knowledgable so why not learn before you leave.
4. Read the charts with a magnifying glass; and then always keep to the safe side.
5. If you buy a replacement or upgrade keep the original because it's a 50-50 chance you'll need the original again.
6. Pay for the unlimited towing... You're welcome!
7. Read all the navigational information you can get your hands on; then buy more.
8. Be prepared to have the best time of your life!

We're taking a Christmas break in Ohio and start south again in January.

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