Update on removing sole in CD 25

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Update on removing sole in CD 25

Post by Stuart »

Thanks to all who responded with advice on my earlier post. My expierence went well with minimal cursing and banging stuff in frustration. My plan was to remove everything aft of the foward bulkhead. I removed both setee's (sp), shelving, sink, and sole. With a CD 25 I found that if you need to remove the sole, you should remove the companionway step, and ice chest which isn't too much work. Then I carefully removed the bungs on the sole and pulled it up and it now resides in my basement waiting to be cleaned up and varnished. I noticed that the underside of the sole has some kind of adhesive. Apparently the stuff had dried up b/c I had no problem getting the sole up, however others should use caution since that glue could still be a factor. I also cut out a hole about 3 by 3 inches to gain access to install a bilge pump in the lower part of the bilge. Of course that will have to wait till spring.

If anyone has questions about removing the interior feel free to send me a email.


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