Words in the hands of an amatuer like me will not do a good job describing the absolutly beautiful day I got to have on the Chesapeake yesterday. However I coulldn't help myself in at least trying. I have been tied up at home for the last 3.5 weeks missing some of the most incredible fall weather I have seen in my life, and of course cursing my luck the whole time. The one day that I did try to sail in that period found "Suzi Q" sitting high and dry on an unusual Neap tide. So I was greatly looking forward to going out yesterday, as you can imagine.
My hopes were almost dashed when I arrived at the Marina and saw another unusually low tide. ( 3 feet is the maximum draft the marina is willing to gaurantee normal access for, and I have hit bottom in a trough in the channel before under normal circumstances) Anyway, after cosulting the guy who works around the marina, I decided to try to get out, bolstered by the confidence that Lauren's offer to pull me free if I got stuck, gave me.
So I was able to slog trough the mud and cleared the channel. It was touch and go but the results were worth it. 15-20 knot winds 2 foot waves with occasional 3-4 footers and bright sunshine. I crossed the bay and had lunch over at Knapps Narrows (Oysters are in). Then I took a little walk around Tilghman island before heading home (the western shore of the Bay). In lighter winds the return trip has taken me over 4 hours. Yesterday I made it from dock to dock in a little over two hours. "Suzi Q" was really moving, it was quite exhilarating and just what I had been looking forward to. About a mile from home the wind died down and the water got calmer and I enjoyed a gorgeous dusk as I motored in. The tide had also come back in so there was no adventures in getting docked.
Just wanted to share the day to the best of my abilities.
Will Wheatley
"Suzi Q"
Day Sailing
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Day Sailing
Thanks for the posting. That certainly is what it is all about. Hope you have many more of the same.
Re: Day Sailing
Where's your boat? Mine's on the hard at Breezy Point in Chesapeake Beach - conditions you describe (shallow water) sound exactly like what I've struggled with there this season. There's a guy named Lauren working there too.
I'll be moving somewhere else next year because of depth problem.
I'll be moving somewhere else next year because of depth problem.
Re: Day Sailing
I'm in slip #162 and I plan to go on the hard next week. E-mail me with any research you care to share regarding your search for a new location. I will probably stay at Breezy point though, the price is right for the small inconvenience I have experienced this year.
Dan wrote: Where's your boat? Mine's on the hard at Breezy Point in Chesapeake Beach - conditions you describe (shallow water) sound exactly like what I've struggled with there this season. There's a guy named Lauren working there too.
I'll be moving somewhere else next year because of depth problem.