'76 CD25 Bronze port lights

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Bill Jarrell

'76 CD25 Bronze port lights

Post by Bill Jarrell »

I have a set of plastic portlights (non-opening) that I plan to send to Roger at Bristol Bronze to have duplicated in bronze, both the inside cabin ring and it's corresponding outside ring. Talking with Roger the thought would be to have a complete set (possilby including glass/plexiglass), with one ring having countersunk mounting screws and the other ring having corresponding tapped threaded holes. He doesn't know how much they will cost, as he hasn't seen them yet, or how much interest there is out there in the CD community for "drop in" bronze replacements.

If your outside portlight ring is 32" and the small one is 14" then you have the same size as mine.

I'm sort of feeling my way along this and if you have any ideas please let me know. If you are interested let me know and I'll pass your interest on to Rodger.


Bruce Bett

Re: '76 CD25 Bronze port lights

Post by Bruce Bett »


I could be tempted. In considering whether to put in bronze ports the prospect of all the glass work to fill those big holes has been at least as daunting as the price. I think fixed ports are just fine on a cd 25. I trust that you or Roger will let us know about pricing when you have it.

Bruce Bett
CD 25 #496

Bill Jarrell wrote: Hello,
I have a set of plastic portlights (non-opening) that I plan to send to Roger at Bristol Bronze to have duplicated in bronze, both the inside cabin ring and it's corresponding outside ring. Talking with Roger the thought would be to have a complete set (possilby including glass/plexiglass), with one ring having countersunk mounting screws and the other ring having corresponding tapped threaded holes. He doesn't know how much they will cost, as he hasn't seen them yet, or how much interest there is out there in the CD community for "drop in" bronze replacements.

If your outside portlight ring is 32" and the small one is 14" then you have the same size as mine.

I'm sort of feeling my way along this and if you have any ideas please let me know. If you are interested let me know and I'll pass your interest on to Rodger.


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