Anyone used Watco wood finish?

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Anyone used Watco wood finish?

Post by Hal »

I have used Sikkens' Cetol and though it works well, I'm not wild about the color and the difficulty of removal once it's too built up. I see Watco has a marine finish which is intriguing as I used some of their residential product on a garage door (per the paint specialist's recommendation against peeling, chipping, etc)that had a southern exposure. The stuff worked great and, like Sikkens, (but without the heavy buildup) I only needed to reaapply it once in 5 years. Anyone used Watco?

Re: Anyone used Watco wood finish?

Post by Tom »

I tried it and didn't like it. It looks great when new, but darkens with age as most oils do and doesn't stand up in a saltwater environment. I'm using Armada now and like it the best of the things I've tried. Works like Cetol but has a better color. There's a zillion posts on this subject in the archives, and an equal number of opinions.
Hal wrote: I have used Sikkens' Cetol and though it works well, I'm not wild about the color and the difficulty of removal once it's too built up. I see Watco has a marine finish which is intriguing as I used some of their residential product on a garage door (per the paint specialist's recommendation against peeling, chipping, etc)that had a southern exposure. The stuff worked great and, like Sikkens, (but without the heavy buildup) I only needed to reaapply it once in 5 years. Anyone used Watco?

Re: Anyone used Watco wood finish?

Post by len »


for years i used watco's teak oil - it gave a rich color but like all oils fades fairly quickly and for best appearance needs to be renewed during the season at least once -

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