??'s for 25D owners

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??'s for 25D owners

Post by Bill »

Hello to all

I just finished installing shelving in the port locker in the head. In the process I think I found a "void" under the anchor locker. Has anyone "explored" this area as a possible storage area for maybe chain rode or other items. There has to be an empty space under the Glassed in base of the anchor locker.

any comments from other 25D owners?

Thanks in advance


Leo MacDonald

CD Storage potential, CD30K

Post by Leo MacDonald »

Hi Bill,

On my CD30K (as you remember) I was able to find extensive void areas under the v-berth, settees & sink, outboard & aft of the sink, above & outboard the fuel tank and outboard the stove.

Settees & V-Berth:
It appears as Cape Dory Yachts (CDY) constructed the Heather Ann they tabbed the liner to the hull in several locations (four in the v-berth and four under each settee) before installing the settee & V-Berth plywood. At each prospective tab area CDY cut a rectangular opening in the horizontal surface that would later support the berth or settee. Most likely the opening served as an access for the workmen to place the GRP taps. These tabs (for the most part) were placed below and inboard of these openings forming a natural shelf for future storage. I extended all the tabs to form a much larger ‘shelf’, cut out a piece of the plywood, oversize so it would set on the liner ‘lips’, and installed a latching arm to keep the new ‘locker cover’ (what is the correct nautical term for this??) in place in rough weather.

Under the V-berth and aft of the holding tank was a huge void (approx. 4-5 cu. Ft.) I cut a 10" X 20" access opening in the center of the V-berth plywood, installed shelf lips and locking straps for the new ‘locker cover’.

Settee Storage Areas:
Under each settee is a good sized storage area (aft of water tanks on CD30s). The slight problem is that to fully utilize this area you have to push your items uphill (????) To facilitate maximum loading I cut a ~10" X 20" opening in the settee plywood (again installing shelf lips and locking straps).

Massive storage locker -
Investigation revealed a rather large void in the area under & outboard the galley sinks, aft of the partial bulkhead aft of the stove and outboard & above the fuel tank. I constructed small retaining walls (~ 14" high x ~ 12" wide) from the hull up on both sides of the sinks with a ~ 12" x 10" access to this area from the engine space (in the space above the inboard retaining wall). The outboard retaining wall served, along with the hull, the port sail locker forward bulkhead and the outboard side of the fuel tank plywood box, to form a massive dry storage locker for the galley (approx. 4 - 5 cu. ft.) The access opening was cut in the counter top outboard of the sinks.
Additional Dry Bin -
An additional void was discovered outboard the stove between the stove area after partial bulkhead and the CDY built dry storage bin that was at the very forward port corner of the galley area. Three sides and the hull already boxed it in, it was pre-made!!! I just cut the access port ~9" x 9" in the galley locker/cabinet outboard the stove and installed floor supports & a floor.
Area above fuel tank -
The remaining locker was created by extending the fuel tank side plywood panels up to meet the counter top above and cutting out another access port in the galley locker aft of the sinks.
process I think I found a "void" under the anchor locker. Has anyone "explored" this area as a possible storage area for maybe chain rode or other items. There has to be an empty space under the Glassed in base of the anchor locker.

Under Rode Locker:
The flooring under the rode locker was or GRP and all glassed to the hull. As far as I could determine on Heather Ann it sloped aft and was very small. I did not cut it open. Although the sole of the V-Berth area was researched :-))

Hope this gives you some food for thought.

Tell the CD’ers about your summer 2001 experiences making the best bear _ _ _ _ we had ever had :-) (Right John?)

Fair Winds,

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