Re:The Weather gets Friskier!

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Larry DeMers

Re:The Weather gets Friskier!

Post by Larry DeMers »

Heh, well here is the last NWS forecast for tonight and tomorrow. We will be up there to see these waves, and should get some good video of it.

..Larry DeMers

Storm Warning In Effect Tonight
Northwest storm force winds to 50 knots. Snow squalls. Waves 12 to 16 feet building to 15 to 20 feet.

Friday: Northwest storm force winds to 50 knots decreasing to Gales to 35 knots late. Snow squalls. Waves subsiding to 12 to 16 feet.
Warren Kaplan

Re:The Weather gets Friskier!

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Larry DeMers wrote: Heh, well here is the last NWS forecast for tonight and tomorrow. We will be up there to see these waves, and should get some good video of it.

..Larry DeMers

"Your" weather is headin' east at a nice clip! Wind is already piping up on some parts of Long Island. Up close to 25K in some parts tonight and higher tomorrow. Some reports expect gusts tomorrow of 35-40 knots. I got all the sails off Sine Qua Non this week, as well as the boom in preparation for hauling this weekend . Only the mast is still up, so the windage on her won't be too bad. The winter gales are starting in earnest...albeit a little early!

Mark Yashinsky

Thank you for the weather, Larry

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

NOT!!! from another New Yorker
john doyle

Re:The Weather gets Friskier!

Post by john doyle »

Larry DeMers wrote: Heh, well here is the last NWS forecast for tonight and tomorrow. We will be up there to see these waves, and should get some good video of it.

..Larry DeMers

Storm Warning In Effect Tonight
Northwest storm force winds to 50 knots. Snow squalls. Waves 12 to 16 feet building to 15 to 20 feet.

Friday: Northwest storm force winds to 50 knots decreasing to Gales to 35 knots late. Snow squalls. Waves subsiding to 12 to 16 feet.
In Atlanta, Georgia it's a perfect sailing day. 60 degrees & 15-20kts. Trying to leave work early even if is only on a lake.
John CD 31 #18 Bonnie Blue

The Ty's still hanging in there

Post by Marino »

50 kt gusts here on Lake Erie too. Second day now and my boat's still safe in her dock. Thanks to the spiderweb of extra dock lines I rigged up. There's been plenty of damage to other boats though. Mainly the people who won't take the time to check on their boats. Actually its the same people who never go out sailing anyway. There are some pretty sad sights: shreded mainsails, smashed outboards, halyards flying loose, general unpreparedness. There are two CD 25's in the Marina and they are weathering well too.

There's this 18' runabout powerboat that is half filled with water and listing about 40º. The gunwale is only inches from the water. I know it's going to sink.

Marino Curati
Ty #74 Snug
M. R. Bober

Re:The Weather gets Friskier!--Good to know.

Post by M. R. Bober »

Soon it will be time to go to the attic and get those winter clothes down.

Mitchell Bober

Insurance Claims will be made......

Post by insightful »

.....and the rest of us will pay for their unpreparedness (in premiums).

Interesting how the Cape Dorys are all prepared !!!

Enough said.......
Larry DeMers

Re:The Weather gets Friskier!

Post by Larry DeMers »

You know how to hurt a guy..! ;^)

Sounds like here about three weeks ago and previous to that..something to get out in and experience.


john doyle wrote: In Atlanta, Georgia it's a perfect sailing day. 60 degrees & 15-20kts. Trying to leave work early even if is only on a lake.
John CD 31 #18 Bonnie Blue
Larry DeMers

Re:The Weather gets Friskier!

Post by Larry DeMers »


The storm passed by quickly..took awhile to start though. Local winds were in the 55 range, but from the NW which meant that it came over the woods around the marina, and over the hill behind our boat, so we saw virtually no winds at our site. But checking the data transmitter on Devils Island, out 25 miles to our east, there were readings at 49kts., but this is a once an hour sample..not sure how it is accumulated..or if it is just polled when it's time to transmit comes up.
Friday night was a cold one, bottoming out at 22 deg., but Saturday was sunny and cold, SUnday was also sunny but about 38 out, so quite warm. We tarped the boat after installing a PVC frame that helps the tarp shed all snow and ice. It was hard to let go, and we delayed it every way we could.
Here's hoping that the world is a little safer when next we come up.


Warren Kaplan wrote: Larry,

"Your" weather is headin' east at a nice clip! Wind is already piping up on some parts of Long Island. Up close to 25K in some parts tonight and higher tomorrow. Some reports expect gusts tomorrow of 35-40 knots. I got all the sails off Sine Qua Non this week, as well as the boom in preparation for hauling this weekend . Only the mast is still up, so the windage on her won't be too bad. The winter gales are starting in earnest...albeit a little early!

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