Our Northeast Fleet for CDSOA has almost reached ONE HUNDRED Cape Dory member boats. Be the 100th new member and win a Bronze Builders Plate for your boat from Bristol Bronze. In only two years the CDSOA Northeast Fleet has grown from TEN founding boats to almost 100!
Northeast Fleet Contest for 100th New Member
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Please visit the CDSOA's website
Please visit the CDSOA's website at:
<a href="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/index.ht ... ex.html</a>
for information concerning the CDSOA, Inc., each of its regional fleets, and membership information.
To join the NE Fleet, download the CDSOA's Membership Application Form (<a href="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/cdsoapp2.pdf">PDF</a> format, <a href="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/Cdsoapp2.doc">Microsoft Word</a> format), print it, complete it and mail the completed application, along with your membership dues, check payable to "Cape Dory Sailboat Owner's Association," to Sharon Kairis at 8067 Forest Glen Drive, Pasadena, MD 21122. Also, please send a copy of the completed form to the NE Fleet secretary, Catherine Monaghan, at 831 Falesky Street, Rahway, NJ 07065. Or, if you completed the Microsoft Word version of the form on your computer, after mailing the hardcopy to Sharon you can e-mail the electonic version to Catherine Monaghan at <a href="mailto:bcomet@aol.com">bcomet@aol.com</a>.
Please visit the CDSOA's website at:
<a href="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/index.ht ... ex.html</a>
for information concerning the CDSOA, Inc., each of its regional fleets, and membership information.
To join the NE Fleet, download the CDSOA's Membership Application Form (<a href="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/cdsoapp2.pdf">PDF</a> format, <a href="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/Cdsoapp2.doc">Microsoft Word</a> format), print it, complete it and mail the completed application, along with your membership dues, check payable to "Cape Dory Sailboat Owner's Association," to Sharon Kairis at 8067 Forest Glen Drive, Pasadena, MD 21122. Also, please send a copy of the completed form to the NE Fleet secretary, Catherine Monaghan, at 831 Falesky Street, Rahway, NJ 07065. Or, if you completed the Microsoft Word version of the form on your computer, after mailing the hardcopy to Sharon you can e-mail the electonic version to Catherine Monaghan at <a href="mailto:bcomet@aol.com">bcomet@aol.com</a>.