We are seriously considering outfitting Remedy with a small chartplotter (Standard horizon 150 or 160) mounted in the forward cockpit bulkhead. It seems to be waterproof enough and comes with a protective cover (and we would probably remove it for winter storage).
Does anyone have a similar installation on a 25/27/28? I have a hole that needs to be filled with something (to replace a lightning-fried Course Deviation Indicator) but I don't want to make the hole bigger if the chartplotter is unreadable or too difficult to operate in this location.
Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI
Bulkhead-Mounted Charplotter???
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Bulkhead-Mounted Charplotter???
Duncan:Duncan Maio wrote: We are seriously considering outfitting Remedy with a small chartplotter (Standard horizon 150 or 160) mounted in the forward cockpit bulkhead. It seems to be waterproof enough and comes with a protective cover (and we would probably remove it for winter storage).
Does anyone have a similar installation on a 25/27/28? I have a hole that needs to be filled with something (to replace a lightning-fried Course Deviation Indicator) but I don't want to make the hole bigger if the chartplotter is unreadable or too difficult to operate in this location.
Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI
I have a Garmin 175 portable chartplotter/GPS mounted on bulkhead just above the depth sounder (replaced the knot meter with it). It came this way when I purchased SALSA, and I have been real happy with the location. Visibility is great and real handy to enter waypoints, etc. I would think the larger screen and unit would be great there. Other folks I know have mounted them on a wooden, swing-arm that swings into the companionway...this is neat also. One critical difference though...my 175 is mounted on bracket that is set at an angle so is visible from both sides of the cockpit...you probably want to make sure the flush mount unit would be visible from both sides also...flush mounted, the angle may not work for both sides....this might get annoying if only visible on one point of sail...just a thought. Good luck.
Clay Stalker
Re: Bulkhead-Mounted Charplotter???
We looked at a GPSMAP 76 handheld on a bulkhead mount for $350 and it seemed to be the best deal ( Not a **chart** plotter- but pretty good downloadable detail, and quite self-contained )Duncan Maio wrote: I looked at Chartplotters at a West Marine and the Standard/Horizon ( alias Yaesu )came in at $600 or so with a map cartridge.
We used the Garmin mount,fastened the baseplate to the hull with epoxy putty, and ground down the attachment knob so the GPS would be vertical on our vertical bulkhead. We've had no problems with the unit failing to lock onto satellites.
One benefit- No holes in the hull!
Just an alternative.
Re: Bulkhead-Mounted Charplotter???
Hi Duncan!
Rather than drill holes (due to limited space on our CD27) I made up a swing arm arrangement incorporating the Garmin 180. (now the current model is the 182, same neat large screen.) Find it works extremely well and is visible from anywhere in the cockpit
Good luck with a solution!
S/V "Alphee"
CD27 #4 (1977)

Rather than drill holes (due to limited space on our CD27) I made up a swing arm arrangement incorporating the Garmin 180. (now the current model is the 182, same neat large screen.) Find it works extremely well and is visible from anywhere in the cockpit

S/V "Alphee"
CD27 #4 (1977)

Re: Bulkhead-Mounted Charplotter???
One other option here....some manufacturers of navigation instuments (speed , wind, etc.) sometimes will also put out a Nav repeater. This is a unit that when hooked up to say a chartplotter/GPS at the Nav station, will display all the pertinent information, like bearing to next waypoint, distance, time, etc.to next waypoint, cross track error, time....you name it. You have really all the information provided by the chartplotter, except the map, but how often do you really need to look at the map? It's real handy to have all that other pertinent information in the cockpit and then you can duck your head down below to have a quick peek at the chart if need be.
We have on our boat a Garmin 182 chartplotter/GPS I believe, mounted on a small shelve above the Nave table and a B&G Nav repeater mounted in the bulkhead facing the cockpit. I can plan a route down below at the Nav station with chartplotter and paper charts. All the waypoints and other information as well as alarms, etc. are displayed on the Nav reapeater in the cockpit. I also have a small plastic tablet that I list the waypoints on at the helm, so I can keep track of them as I see them tick off the Nav repeater display. A repeater display unit is much less expensive then a display with a transducer or sending unit attatched.
We have on our boat a Garmin 182 chartplotter/GPS I believe, mounted on a small shelve above the Nave table and a B&G Nav repeater mounted in the bulkhead facing the cockpit. I can plan a route down below at the Nav station with chartplotter and paper charts. All the waypoints and other information as well as alarms, etc. are displayed on the Nav reapeater in the cockpit. I also have a small plastic tablet that I list the waypoints on at the helm, so I can keep track of them as I see them tick off the Nav repeater display. A repeater display unit is much less expensive then a display with a transducer or sending unit attatched.