I have just put a barrier coat on my Ty as many of you also have based on your messages on this board. I put the coat on the entire bottom EXCEPT for at the back of the keel which is slightly concave so it covers part of the rudder shaft. I'm not sure how to get epoxy in that covered area and am wondering how others may have tackled the problem.
As far as I know, my Ty didn't have any blister problems. Although it can be done, I'm not planning on grinding the rivets off the heel plate to remove the rudder and get behind the shaft.
I used Peel Away to remove as much of the bottom paint as I could in the covered area I'm talking about. I was planning on using some stiff brushes to force some epoxy into the area and hoping for the best. Then I thought maybe I should put one of the "no sand" products back there first. (Supposedly these products create some sort of chemical bond/surface for bottom paint to adhere to glass. Generally most bottom paint manufacturers prefer much sanding if possible.)
Have any of you put epoxy behind the rudder shaft? and if so did you have any particular "tricks" that might be helpful?
Thanks much for your kind help.
Barrier Coating A Typhoon
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Barrier Coating A Typhoon
The Peal Away, applied enough times, will get rid of the paint. So could a small dremel tip, or a piece of sandpaper on a sponge to apply pressure.
Wax the rudder area and apply the epoxy into the crevace with a Preval sprayer (cheaper at Home Depot then West Marine).
I did 9 coats of WEST system epoxy to get the required build up.
Good luck
Wax the rudder area and apply the epoxy into the crevace with a Preval sprayer (cheaper at Home Depot then West Marine).
I did 9 coats of WEST system epoxy to get the required build up.
Good luck
Re: Barrier Coating A CD26
I did a successful (so far) blister repair job on my CD26 six or seven years ago. The hull was badly blistered prior to my repair. I did the entire hull except for the very bottom of the keel and the rudder post area you're talking about. I've never had a blister develop in either of those areas that was visible.
Re: Barrier Coating A CD26
dittoes with my ty (except i did do the bottom of the keel) ten years ago. no blisters in that area so far.
Kurt wrote: I did a successful (so far) blister repair job on my CD26 six or seven years ago. The hull was badly blistered prior to my repair. I did the entire hull except for the very bottom of the keel and the rudder post area you're talking about. I've never had a blister develop in either of those areas that was visible.