Our Genoa cleat broke off the starboard combing and went overboard. Where can we find another that matches?
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Cleat
My Ty's genoa cleat is 4" or 5" aluminum two hole open base. The Ty is out in the bay and I'm here at home so I'm not sure. Anyway all of my hardware seems to be Schaefer. My old 1981 Schaefer catalog lists the 4" cleat as part NO 70-94, the 5" is 70-95. The fly in the ointment is that these are coated with black epoxy and my originals are bare aluminum. Can the black epoxy be removed? That's the question.John and Carol Lucas wrote: Our Genoa cleat broke off the starboard combing and went overboard. Where can we find another that matches?
Bob Chamberland
Re: Cleat
Cleat? Or, block?
John and Carol Lucas wrote: Our Genoa cleat broke off the starboard combing and went overboard. Where can we find another that matches?