Lightning - need marine electronics shop on Narragansett Bay

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Duncan Maio

Lightning - need marine electronics shop on Narragansett Bay

Post by Duncan Maio »

Remedy seems to have fallen victim to a lightning strike sometime last month - no Windex or masthead antenna, and none of the electronics work.

Any recommendations for a good electrical/electronics repair shop near Bristol? I assume she will need a good going over and at least some wiring replaced, in addition to the hardware and mast wiring.

Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI

Re: Lightning - need marine electronics shop on Narragansett

Post by Jim »

Bristol Marine has a great reputation for service work. I would at least give them a call first.
Catherine Monaghan

Re: Lightning - need marine electronics shop on Narragansett

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

Your insurance should cover the cost of the electronics damaged by the lightening. I have a friend whose Island Packet was struck by lightening last year and he lost all of his electronics. He now has all new electronics and the insurance covered it all. Check your policy or find out how much they'll cover. It may be cheaper to buy new than to have the old stuff repaired.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Duncan Maio wrote: Remedy seems to have fallen victim to a lightning strike sometime last month - no Windex or masthead antenna, and none of the electronics work.

Any recommendations for a good electrical/electronics repair shop near Bristol? I assume she will need a good going over and at least some wiring replaced, in addition to the hardware and mast wiring.

Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI
Brian W.

Re: Lightning - need marine electronics shop on Narragansett

Post by Brian W. »

We had a similar experience this year. I had posted at the start of the season how I thought our new alternator was frying the electronics. The marine electronics place thought it had been struck by lightning. We discounted that as the boat went in the water unstepped in the harbor where it was repowered and driven mastless 20 miles to it's homeport. The electronics were bad the day we brought it around, and with no mast in we didn't figure there would have been anything to strike.

We finally started putting two and two together and realized the boat had been hit at the END of last season, as it sat on land by the launching crane, fully stepped as we tried to decide what to do about our damaged transmission. It never went back in the water, so we didn't know till the start of this season anything was wrong. Add to this the fact that the yard couldn't figure out what they did with our VHF antenna this winter (likely vaporized) and that they said we needed a new masthead light (the whole thing was damanged) and it became clear we were hit.

The VHF was repaired, the Autopilot actually fixed under warrenty, the loran not worth replacing, and the Datamarine depthsounder...well just got the call that after having it for the complete season, Datamarine had finally sent it back. With the financial problems they're having I would strongly advise against any of their products if you care at all about customer service. Thanks to the good advice of the Board, we had replaced that with a new Standard Horizon, which works perfect with the old transducer.

Total cost for everything was about $600, which is below our deductable.


Catherine Monaghan wrote: Your insurance should cover the cost of the electronics damaged by the lightening. I have a friend whose Island Packet was struck by lightening last year and he lost all of his electronics. He now has all new electronics and the insurance covered it all. Check your policy or find out how much they'll cover. It may be cheaper to buy new than to have the old stuff repaired.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Duncan Maio wrote: Remedy seems to have fallen victim to a lightning strike sometime last month - no Windex or masthead antenna, and none of the electronics work.

Any recommendations for a good electrical/electronics repair shop near Bristol? I assume she will need a good going over and at least some wiring replaced, in addition to the hardware and mast wiring.

Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI

Re: Lightning - need marine electronics shop on Narragansett

Post by Bill »

Were any of the boats structurally (sp) damaged?

Duncan Maio wrote: Remedy seems to have fallen victim to a lightning strike sometime last month - no Windex or masthead antenna, and none of the electronics work.

Any recommendations for a good electrical/electronics repair shop near Bristol? I assume she will need a good going over and at least some wiring replaced, in addition to the hardware and mast wiring.

Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI

Re: Lightning - need marine electronics shop on Narragansett

Post by Joe »

Duncan Maio wrote: Remedy seems to have fallen victim to a lightning strike sometime last month - no Windex or masthead antenna, and none of the electronics work.

Any recommendations for a good electrical/electronics repair shop near Bristol? I assume she will need a good going over and at least some wiring replaced, in addition to the hardware and mast wiring.

Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI
Hello Duncan,
I just anwsered an other simular question for someone else on this site give me a call I might be able to help.# 561-762-8387
Catherine Monaghan

Re: Lightning - need marine electronics shop on Narragansett

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


Bob Martin's Island Packet was unharmed except for the electronics. Another boat that I know of that was hit by lightening, a Cal, also had no structural damage and also lost all of its electronics. Lucky I guess.

Bill wrote: Were any of the boats structurally (sp) damaged?

Duncan Maio wrote: Remedy seems to have fallen victim to a lightning strike sometime last month - no Windex or masthead antenna, and none of the electronics work.

Any recommendations for a good electrical/electronics repair shop near Bristol? I assume she will need a good going over and at least some wiring replaced, in addition to the hardware and mast wiring.

Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI

Re: Lightning - need marine electronics shop on Narragansett

Post by Linda »

By a previous owner our CD took a direct strike in Barrington. Standish Boat Yard, Tiverton pulled her off the bottom. I would expect Standish could refer you to a reliable source. We spoke with a fellow there that took her off the bottom. He remembered it like it was yesterday though it was many years ago.
Joe Mac Phee

Re: Lightning - need marine electronics shop on Narragansett

Post by Joe Mac Phee »


Try Dave Gamwell at Gamwell Electrical Services (401)253-6381. He lives and works in the Bristol area and owns a Cape Dory 34 Cutter. He is known and respected around the Bristol Yacht club(no relation or affiliation). If your boat is in the Bristol area, he should be able to help you.

Joe Mac Phee
S/V Iolanthe
CD-30 K
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