Tranny troubles ???

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Tranny troubles ???

Post by Barry »

I was reading some of the listings regarding a CD33 and it's slow pace against wind & waves. I have had my 33 for 7 years and always get slowed to 3 knots or less when pounding into any significant wind or waves -- is this your case as well. The boat will push along at nearly 6 in flat water, but immediately slows when the wind comes up. Is this the tranny, I never considered this?

However, I am now noticing that my Volvo tranny is not engaging reverse until the shift lever is literally at the very end of the throw. Any similar observations out there?

Mel Vincent

Re: Tranny troubles ???

Post by Mel Vincent »

I know with our CD28 we also slow considerably in any type of heavy seas. I find that our problem is that we are under powered, only 13 hp. For a boat thats displaces 9000lbs that is not enough power. But, we did buy sail boats and there are trade offs.

As to your tranny not engaging until the lever is all the way down. Could it be the shifter cable is sticking, unhooked or is the lever mechanism loose? I find most of my problems are simple ones, how about fluid level? I hope its one of these and not the tranny, good luck

Mel Vincent
S/V Caprice
Barry wrote: Folks,
I was reading some of the listings regarding a CD33 and it's slow pace against wind & waves. I have had my 33 for 7 years and always get slowed to 3 knots or less when pounding into any significant wind or waves -- is this your case as well. The boat will push along at nearly 6 in flat water, but immediately slows when the wind comes up. Is this the tranny, I never considered this?

However, I am now noticing that my Volvo tranny is not engaging reverse until the shift lever is literally at the very end of the throw. Any similar observations out there?

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