Captains Commanding,
I might be so bold to suggest that next years New England Fleets' randevous take place at the Montauk Yacht Club. This club used to be VERY private, but it was bought out a few years ago and is now open to the public. Take a look at for a view of what it is like.
I was only there once, didn't really know how to get into the marina. Was meeting a power boat skipper there that was familiar with it, but couldn't contact him by radio. Finally hailed the club, they said to come in past the Coast Guard Station, and there would be one of their people standing on the end of a pier, under a purple flag, to direct us. We rounded the bend, and there he was! Directed us down a few docks, told us a line handler would be standing by. There were THREE of them! Made up fore and aft, and the 1st. mate asked if they had ice. One of the men got on the radio, called for ice, and a moment later a golf cart came down with the ice!
That night, we wanted to go to a local resturant, they took us there in their courtesy car, and picked us up after desert and returned us to the slip! They have a nice little breakfeast place, and two dinner resturants. It was really nice, not too expensive as I recall, and the service was par none! They also have a full hotel, so rooms are available for those that need a good bath and a soft bunk after a tough time at sea! Oh, also, they have 3 swimming pools!
This might be a place to consider for next year. It is immediately off of Gardiner's Bay, for an excellent sailing/racing(get back at that pesky Pirate!) ground.
Take a look at their web site, and make your comments....I remain...your most humble servant....
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C "1"
Montauk Yacht Club...and next year...
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Montauk Yacht Club...and next year...
Capt. Dave,
Any marina that has someone waiting at the dock asking if you need ice just has to be pushed to the top of the list! Now if they had and ice cold keg of suds waiting there, we could all vote now!
Warren Kaplan
The perpetually thirsty capt of
Sine Qua Non
Any marina that has someone waiting at the dock asking if you need ice just has to be pushed to the top of the list! Now if they had and ice cold keg of suds waiting there, we could all vote now!
Warren Kaplan
The perpetually thirsty capt of
Sine Qua Non