Anybody have the batten dimensions for the CD Typhoon weekender? I just bought a 1979 (haven't checked the hull number), and the main needs battens. I could measure the pockets and go a bit smaller, but if someone has the time, could they measure the actual battens? I also checked the owners manual, and didn't see any dimensions there. TIA.
CD Typhoon batten sizes
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: CD Typhoon batten sizes
Ed I just replaced the #2 and #3 battens in our Weekender. They were both 24 in long.
However - your dimensions may very well be different based on the age, mfgr and cut of your main. Ours just happens to be a 1998 Bowers Inland Sail Co main. ( the top batten BTW is full length).
Good Luck, you have yourself a great little boat!
Sean M
However - your dimensions may very well be different based on the age, mfgr and cut of your main. Ours just happens to be a 1998 Bowers Inland Sail Co main. ( the top batten BTW is full length).
Good Luck, you have yourself a great little boat!
Sean M
Ed A wrote: Anybody have the batten dimensions for the CD Typhoon weekender? I just bought a 1979 (haven't checked the hull number), and the main needs battens. I could measure the pockets and go a bit smaller, but if someone has the time, could they measure the actual battens? I also checked the owners manual, and didn't see any dimensions there. TIA.
Re: CD Typhoon batten sizes
Thanks. Yeah, it must be a different main. I stuck a tape measure down the pockets, and they measured 2@14.5" and 2@20.5". I'll get battens about .5" shorter, just to be safe. Looking forward to taking her out this weekend!
Sean Morgan Irie wrote: Ed I just replaced the #2 and #3 battens in our Weekender. They were both 24 in long.
However - your dimensions may very well be different based on the age, mfgr and cut of your main. Ours just happens to be a 1998 Bowers Inland Sail Co main. ( the top batten BTW is full length).
Good Luck, you have yourself a great little boat!
Sean M
Ed A wrote: Anybody have the batten dimensions for the CD Typhoon weekender? I just bought a 1979 (haven't checked the hull number), and the main needs battens. I could measure the pockets and go a bit smaller, but if someone has the time, could they measure the actual battens? I also checked the owners manual, and didn't see any dimensions there. TIA.